
Latest version: v7.0.1

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Robot Framework 4.0.1 is the first bug fix release in the Robot Framework 4.0.x series. This beta release contains fixes to all issues that have been reported so far, but if more problems are encountered they can still be fixed before the final Robot Framework 4.0.1 release. For more information see the [full release notes](


Robot Framework 4.0 is a new major release with lot of big new features. Highlights include the SKIP status and native IF/ELSE support as well as enhancements to, for example, type conversion and Libdoc. For more details see the [full release notes](


Robot Framework 4.0 is a new major release with lot of big new features such as the SKIP status and native IF/ELSE support as well as enhancements to, for example, type conversion and Libdoc. Robot Framework rc 2 contains all planned changes, and changes compared to the earlier rc 1 a minimal. The final version is planned to be released on Thursday Match 11, 2021.

For more information about Robot Framework 4.0 rc 2 see the [full release notes](


Robot Framework 4.0 is a new major release with lot of big new features such as the SKIP status and native IF/ELSE support as well as enhancements to, for example, type conversion and Libdoc. Robot Framework rc 1 contains all planned changes and if no problems are found the final version will be released on Thursday Match 11, 2021.

For more information about Robot Framework 4.0 rc 1 see the [full release notes](


Robot Framework 4.0 is a new major release with lot of big new features such as the SKIP status and native IF/ELSE support as well as enhancements to, for example, type conversion and Libdoc. Robot Framework beta 3 contains all planned new features but small changes are still possible before the first release candidate.

For more information about Robot Framework 4.0 beta 3 see the [full release notes](


Robot Framework 4.0 is a new major release with lot of big new features such as the SKIP status and native IF/ELSE support as well as enhancements to, for example, type conversion and Libdoc. Robot Framework beta 1 already contains most of the planned new features and internal changes.

For more information about Robot Framework 4.0 beta 1 see the [full release notes](

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