
Latest version: v1.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Fixed shortener multi level shortening by danielmorell and pawelsz-rb. See [449](


- Fixed handling `sensitive_post_parameters` decorator in Django by pawelsz-rb. See [413](
- Fixed Werkzeug DeprecationWarning of `BaseRequest` by compyman. See [410](
- Fixed missing locals shortening on items with "trace_chain" instead of "trace" by terencehonles. See [365](
- Fixed FastAPI version comparison by ayharano. See [433](
- Fixed 436 `WSGIRequest` has no attribute `sensitive_post_parameters`. by danielmorell. See [437](
- Added new `thread_pool` handler by danielmorell. See [416](
- Added Rollbar branding to the readme by paulserraino. See [418](
- Added batched transform to increase sanitization and serialization performance by ijsnow. See [421](
- Replaced unittest2 with unittest by brianr. See [420](
- Removed unittest2 by mcepl. See [419](
- Remove deprecated flask `before_first_request` by albertyw. See [428](
- Removed support for Python 2 by danielmorell. See [435](
- Updated the base Ubuntu for CI to 20.04 test runner by danielmorell and waltjones. See [427](
- Replaced `` `data` kwarg with `content` by ayharano. See [425](


- Pinned Python 2 CI tests to legacy version of dependencies. See [408](
- Add PyPI badge for supported Python versions. See [408](
- Add Django 4.0+ compatibility. See [408](
- Update PR template. See [408](
- SC-95272: Remove support for Python 3.3. See [408](


- Fix building person data in Django. See [385](
- Fix circular error logging for non-HTTP events in Starlette. See [390](
- Fix Python 3.4 builds. See [389](


- Fix PyPI artifacts


- Add support for FastAPI framework. See [373](
- Add support for Starlette framework. See [373](
- Add support for ASGI-based frameworks. See [373](
- Add support for HTTPX async handler. See [373](
- Add support for async report_exc_info and report_message. See [373](
- Collect user IP from X-Forwarded-For, fall back to X-Real-Ip. See [370](
- Improve examples. See [368](
- Fix Python 3.3 builds. See [374](
- Fix Flask 0.x builds. See [376](

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