
Latest version: v1.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fixed record message formatting issues breaking the log handler's history. See [135](


- Fixed failsafe handling for payloads that are too large. See [133](


- Improved handling of Enums. See [121](


- Improved handling of Nan and (Negative)Infinity. See [117](
- RollbarHandler now ignores log records from Rollbar. See [118](


- Failsafe handling for payloads that are too large. See [116](
- Failsafe Behavior
- Log an error containing the original payload and the UUID from it
- Send a new payload to Rollbar with the custom attribute containing the UUID and host from the original payload


- Frame payload refactor and varargs scrubbing. See [113](
- Frame Payload Changes
- remove args and kwargs
- add argspec as the list of argument names to the function call
- add varargspec as the name of the list containing the arbitrary unnamed positional arguments to the function call if any exist
- add keywordspec as the name of the object containing the arbitrary keyword arguments to the function call if any exist
- Other Changes:
- Arguments with default values are no longer removed from args and placed into kwargs
- varargs are now scrubbable and scrubbed by default
- Switched to using a Session object to perform HTTPS requests to optimize for keepalive connections. See [114](

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