
Latest version: v1.0.0

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- Fixed a bug when calling logging.exception() when not in an exception handler. Now it correctly determines it doesn't have any exception info and uses report_message() instead of report_exc_info().


- Added a new configuration option to expose the serializer's `safelisted_types` param
- Allows users to safelist types to be serialized using `repr(obj)` instead of `str(type(obj))`
- Fixed a bug that was not taking the `safe_repr` option into account. See [87](


- Overhauled the scrubbing and serialization mechanisms to provide deep object scrubbing and better handling of UTF-8 data from local variables. See [75](
- This fixes a bunch of problems with reporting local variables, including `UnicodeEncodeError`s and attempting to read variables after the thread they were in has died.
- Local variables and payload data is now sent over in their original structure.
- If a variable was a `dict`, it will be transmitted as a `dict` instead of turned into a string representation of the variable.
- The entire payload is now scrubbed and URL password fields are scrubbed as well.
- Added a Django example.
- Wrote many, many more tests :)
- Integrated the `six` library to provide cleaner support for Python3.
- Added some additional scrub fields.


- Added a warning message if `init()` is called more than once.


- Added support for Twisted framework. See [69](
- Fix a bug that was causing max recursion errors while collecting local variables. See [77](
- Added a configuration option, `safe_repr: True` which will cause payload serialization to use the type name for non-built-in objects.
This option defaults to `True` which may cause data reported to Rollbar to contain less information for custom types.
Prior to this change, serialization of custom objects called `__repr__()` which may have had undesired side effects.
- Fixed a bug that did not correctly handle anonymous tuple arguments while gathering local variables.


- Fix logging loop when using Flask in a non-request context, and also using the Rollbar logging handler. See [68](

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