
Latest version: v1.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Add support for whitelist/blacklist for safelist/blocklist. See [354](
- Add Twisted to the available frameworks. See [360](


- Add support to Python 3.8. See [351](
- Fix deque test. See [349](
- Add alternatives to exception handler. See [335](
- Change dict_merge to allow strict mode. See [339](
- Improve scrubbing test case. See [343](


- Prevent recursive re-raising of exceptions. See [317](
- Correctly apply logger formatting to Rollbar messages. See [312](
- Fix deprecation warnings. See [325]( and [#331](
- Allow the request pool to be configured. See [305](
- Use callable() instead of try/except TypeError. See [319](
- Update Travis CI matrix. See [317](
- Fix Travis build errors. See [328](
- Update trove classifiers. See [331](


- Allow the raw request body to be included if desired. See [304](
- Send Rollbar access token in HTTP header. See [303](
- Add support for Django 1.7 & 1.8 in \_build_django_request_data. See [301](
- Add support for Quart framework. See [300](


- Add the authorization header to the default scrub fields list. See [299](
- Encode the payload properly for newer versions of Twisted. See [298](
- Don't fail to send payloads because some inner object is not JSON serializable. See [297](
- Allow floats as circular references. See [291](


- Fix bug in which error params were not being passed correctly to Pyramid middleware. See [287](

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