
Latest version: v6.4.0

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Bug fixes

- Safir now pins the major version of all of its non-development dependencies. The impetus for this change is to prevent upgrades to Pydantic 2.x until Safir's Pydantic models are ready for that upgrade, but a similar principle applies to other dependencies. These pins will be selectively relaxed once Safir has been confirmed to work with a new major release.

<a id='changelog-4.3.0'></a>


New features

- All `delete_*` APIs in the mock Kubernetes API now support `grace_period_seconds` and a `V1DeleteOptions` body. Both are ignored.
- `delete_namespaced_job` in the mock Kubernetes API now requires `propagation_policy` to be passed as a keyword argument if provided, and does not require it be set. It is validated against the values recognized by Kubernetes, and if set to `Orphan`, pods created by the job are not deleted.

Bug fixes

- When reporting an error response to Slack using `SlackWebException`, put the response body in an attachment instead of a regular block, since it may be a full HTML error page. An attachment tells Slack to hide long content by default unless the viewer expands it.

<a id='changelog-4.2.2'></a>


Bug fixes

- Revert the documentation change in 4.2.1 to restore cross-references, since the docs-linkcheck failure appears to be a false positive.

Other changes

- Safir now uses [scriv]( to maintain its change log.


Bug fixes

- Fix syntax of literals in the `MockKubernetesApi` docstring.


New features

- Add create, delete, read, list (with watches), and (limited) patch support for `Ingress` objects to the mock Kubernetes API.
- Add create, delete, read, and list (with watches) support for `Job` objects to the mock Kuberntes API, and mock the `BatchV1Api`.
- Add delete, read, and list (with watches) support for `Service` objects to the mock Kubernetes API.
- Add support for label selectors to `list_namespaced_pod` in the mock Kubernetes API.
- Add `create_namespaced_persistent_volume_claim` to the mock Kubernetes API for testing.
- Add support for deleting custom resources to the mock Kubernetes API.

Bug fixes

- `SlackWebException` now extracts the method and URL of the request from more httpx exceptions, and avoids exceptions when the request information is not present.


New features

- Add `read_*` methods for `ConfigMap` and `ResourceQuota` to the mock Kubernetes API for testing.
- Add `patch_namespaced_pod_status` to the mock Kubernetes API for testing. Application code is unlikely to call this, but it's useful for test suites.
- The mock `list_namespaced_pod` Kubernetes API now supports watches (but be aware that all changes must be made through the API).

Bug fixes

- Fix concurrency locking when watching namespace events in the Kubernetes testing mock. The previous logic degenerated into busy-waiting rather than correctly waiting on a condition variable.
- Watches for namespace events using the mock Kubernetes API now start with the next event, not the first stored event, if `resource_version` is not set, aligning behavior with the Kubernetes API.

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