
Latest version: v6.4.0

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Backwards-incompatible changes

- Safir now requires a minimum Python version of 3.11.
- `safir.pydantic.validate_exactly_one_of` is now a Pydantic root validator instead of an individual field validator, which simplifies how it should be called.
- Custom Kubernetes objects are no longer copied before being stored in the Kubernetes mock by `create_namespaced_custom_object`, and no longer automatically get a `metadata.uid` value. This brings handling of custom objects in line with the behavior of other mocked `create_*` and `replace_*` APIs.
- All objects stored in the Kubernetes mock will be modified to set `api_version`, `kind`, and (where appropriate) `namespace`. If any of those values are set in the object, they are checked for correctness and rejected with `AssertionError` if they don't match the API call and its parameters.
- The mocked `create_*` Kubernetes APIs now use the name `body` for the parameter containing the API object, instead of using some other name specific to the kind of object. This fixes compatibility with the Python Kubernetes API that this class is mocking.

New features

- The new `safir.redis.PydanticRedisStorage` class enables you to store Pydantic model objects in Redis.
A `safir.redis.EncryptedPydanticRedisStorage` class also encrypts data in Redis.
To use the `safir.redis` module, install Safir with the `redis` extra (i.e., `pip install safir[redis]`).
- Add `safir.fastapi.ClientRequestError` base class for exceptions and the corresponding exception handler `safir.fastapi.client_request_error_handler`. These may be used together to raise structured exceptions and automatically transform them into structured HTTP errors with the correct HTTP status code and an error body compatible with `safir.models.ErrorModel` and FastAPI's own internally-generated errors.
- Add `safir.slack.webhook.SlackWebException`, which is a child class of `safir.slack.webhook.SlackException` that knows how to capture and report details from an underlying HTTPX exception.
- Add a `safir.testing.kubernetes.strip_none` helper function that makes it easier to compare Kubernetes objects against expected test data.
- Add a `get_namespace_objects_for_test` method to the Kubernetes mock to retrieve all objects (of any kind) in a namespace.
- Add a mock for the `list_nodes` Kubernetes API, which returns data set by a call to the new `set_nodes_for_test` method.
- Add optional rudimentary namespace tracking to the Kubernetes mock. Namespaces can be created, deleted (which deletes all objects in the namespace), read, and listed. Explicit namespace creation remains optional; if an object is created in a namespace and that namespace does not exist, one will be implicitly created by the mock.
- Add support for namespaced events (the older core API, not the new events API) to the Kubernetes mock. Newly-created pods with the default initial status post an event by default; otherwise, events must be created by calling the mocked `create_namespaced_event` API. The `list_namespaced_event` API supports watches with timeouts.
- Add rudimentary support for `NetworkPolicy`, `ResourceQuota`, and `Service` objects to the Kubernetes mock.
- Add a `safir.github` module for writing GitHub integrations with GidgetHub and Pydantic modeling. `safir.github.GitHubAppClientFactory` helps create authenticated clients for GitHub Apps and app installations. `safir.github.models` contains Pydantic models for GitHub v3 REST API resources. `safir.github.webhooks` contains Pydantic models for GitHub webhook payloads.

Bug fixes

- Stop adding the `X-Auth-Request-User` header to the OpenAPI schema for routes that use `auth_dependency` or `auth_logger_dependency`.

Other changes

- The `safir.testing.kubernetes.MockKubernetesApi` mock now has rudimentary API documentation for the Kubernetes APIs that it supports.
- The documentation for running commands with `tox` has been updated for the new command-line syntax in tox v4.


New features

- Add `safir.slack.webhook.SlackWebhookClient` and accompanying models to post a structured message to Slack via an incoming webhook. Add a `safir.slack.blockkit.SlackException` base class that can be used to create exceptions with supplemental metadata that can be sent to Slack as a formatted alert.
- Add a FastAPI route class (`safir.slack.webhook.SlackRouteErrorHandler`) that reports all uncaught exceptions to Slack using an incoming webhook.
- Add `safir.datetime.format_datetime_for_logging` to convert a `datetime` object into an easily human-readable representation.
- Add `safir.testing.slack.mock_slack_webhook` and an associated mock class to mock a Slack webhook for testing.
- Add `microseconds=True` parameter to `safir.datetime.current_datetime` to get a `datetime` object with microseconds filled in. By default, `current_datetime` suppresses the microseconds since databases often cannot store them, but there are some timestamp uses, such as error reporting, that benefit from microseconds and are never stored in databases.


New features

- Add a `safir.testing.uvicorn.spawn_uvicorn` helper function to spawn an ASGI app under an external Uvicorn process. Normally, ASGI apps should be tested by passing the app directly to an `httpx.AsyncClient`, but in some cases (such as Selenium testing) the app needs to listen to regular HTTP requests.
- `safir.database.initialize_database` now creates a non-default schema if the underlying SQLAlchemy model declares one.

Bug fixes

- After `safir.logging.configure_uvicorn_logging` was called, exception tracebacks were no longer expanded. Add the missing processor to the logging stack.
- In `safir.logging.configure_uvicorn_logging`, send the access log to standard output instead of combining it with all other messages on standard error.


New features

- Add a `safir.models.ErrorLocation` enum holding valid values for the first element of the `loc` array in `safir.models.ErrorModel`. Due to limitations in Python typing, `loc` is not type-checked against this enum, but it may be useful to applications constructing FastAPI-compatible error messages.
- Add `safir.datetime.current_datetime` to get a normalized `datetime` object representing the current date and time.
- Add `safir.datetime.isodatetime` and `safir.datetime.parse_isodatetime` to convert to and from the most useful form of ISO 8601 dates, used by both Kubernetes and the IVOA UWS standard. Also add `safir.pydantic.normalize_isodatetime` to accept only that same format as input to a Pydantic model with a `datetime` field.


New features

- Add new helper class `safir.gcs.SignedURLService` to generate signed URLs to Google Cloud Storage objects using workload identity. To use this class, depend on `safir[gcs]`.
- Add the `safir.testing.gcs` module, which can be used to mock the Google Cloud Storage API for testing. To use this module, depend on `safir[gcs]`.
- Add new helper class `safir.pydantic.CamelCaseModel`, which is identical to `pydantic.BaseModel` except with configuration added to accept camel-case keys using the `safir.pydantic.to_camel_case` alias generator and overrides of `dict` and `json` to export in camel-case by default.


New features

- `safir.logging.configure_logging` and `safir.logging.configure_uvicorn_logging` now accept `Profile` and `LogLevel` enums in addition to strings for the `profile` and `log_level` parameters. The new enums are preferred. Support for enums was added in preparation for changing the FastAPI template to use `pydantic.BaseSettings` for its `Configuration` class and validate the values of the `profile` and `log_level` configuration parameters.
- Add new function `safir.pydantic.normalize_datetime`, which can be used as a Pydantic validator for `datetime` fields. It also allows seconds since epoch as input, and ensures that the resulting `datetime` field in the model is timezone-aware and in UTC.
- Add new function `safir.pydantic.to_camel_case`, which can be used as a Pydantic alias generator when a model needs to accept attributes with camel-case names.
- Add new function `safir.pydantic.validate_exactly_one_of`, which can be used as a model validator to ensure that exactly one of a list of fields was set to a value other than `None`.

Bug fixes

- In `safir.testing.kubernetes.patch_kubernetes`, correctly apply a spec to the mock of `kubernetes_asyncio.client.ApiClient`. Due to an ordering bug in previous versions, the spec was previously a mock object that didn't apply any constraints.

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