
Latest version: v6.4.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New features

- Add new function `safir.logging.configure_uvicorn_logging` that routes Uvicorn logging through structlog for consistent formatting. It also adds context to Uvicorn logs in the format recognized by Google's Cloud Logging.
- Support the newer project metadata structure and URL naming used by `pyproject.toml`-only packages in `safir.metadata.get_metadata`.


New features

- New support for [arq](, the Redis-based asyncio distributed queue package. The `safir.arq` module provides an arq client and metadata/result data classes with a mock implementation for testing. The FastAPI dependency, `safir.dependencies.arq.arq_dependency`, provides a convenient way to use the arq client from HTTP handlers.


New features

- Add new FastAPI middleware `CaseInsensitiveQueryMiddleware` to aid in implementing the IVOA protocol requirement that the keys of query parameters be case-insensitive.


Bug fixes

- Correctly handle the possibility that `request.client` is `None`.


Bug fixes

- Fix handling of passwords containing special characters such as `` and `/` in `safir.database`.


Bug fixes

- `safir.database` retains the port in the database URL, if provided.

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