
Latest version: v6.4.0

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Backward-incompatible changes

- `XForwardedMiddleware` no longer sets `forwarded_proto` in the request state and instead directly updates the request scope so that subsequent handlers and middleware believe the request scheme is that given by an `X-Forwarded-Proto` header. This fixes the scheme returned by other request methods and attributes such as `url_for` in cases where the service is behind an ingress that terminates TLS.

New features

- Add new FastAPI dependencies `auth_dependency` and `auth_logger_dependency` from the `safir.dependencies.gafaelfawr` module. `auth_dependency` returns the username of the user authenticated via Gafaelfawr (pulled from the `X-Auth-Request-User` header. `auth_logger_dependency` returns the same logger as `logger_dependency` but with the `user` parameter bound to the username from `auth_dependency`.
- Add utility functions to initialize a database and create a sync or async session. The session creation functions optionally support a health check to ensure the database schema has been initialized.
- Add new FastAPI dependency `db_session_dependency` that creates a task-local async SQLAlchemy session.
- Add utility functions `datetime_from_db` and `datetime_to_db` to convert between timezone-naive UTC datetimes stored in a database and timezone-aware UTC datetimes used elsewhere in a program.
- Add a `run_with_async` decorator that runs the decorated async function synchronously. This is primarily useful for decorating Click command functions (for a command-line interface) that need to make async calls.


New features

- Add a very basic and limited implementation of `list_namespaced_pod` to `safir.testing.kubernetes`.


Bug fixes

- In the Kubernetes mock API, change the expected body for `patch_namespaced_custom_object_status` to reflect the need to send a JSON patch for the entirety of the `/status` path in order to work around a kubernetes_asyncio bug.


New features

- Add an `initialize_kubernetes` helper function to load Kubernetes configuration. Add the `safir.testing.kubernetes` module, which can be used to mock the Kubernetes API for testing. To use the new Kubernetes support, depend on `safir[kubernetes]`.


New features

- When logging in JSON format, use `severity` instead of `level` for the log level for compatibility with Google Log Explorer.
- In the FastAPI `logger_dependency`, add log information about the incoming requst in a format compatible with Google Log Explorer.


Bug fixes

- Restore previous `http_client_dependency` behavior by enabling following redirects by default. This adjusts for the change of defaults in HTTPX 0.20.0.

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