
Latest version: v1.49

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* An attempt at overly clever scripting resulted in a Skyfield 1.43
release without a ```` in its ``.tar.gz``; within an hour, a
Python 2.7 user had reported that Skyfield could no longer install.
This release is identical to 1.43 but (hopefully) installs correctly
for everyone!



* Fixed :func:`~skyfield.magnitudelib.planetary_magnitude()` so it works
for Saturn even when the time is an array rather than a single time;
also, improved its calculation slightly with respect to Uranus.
`739 <>`_

* Improved :func:`` so that
parsing ``CometEls.txt`` with the most recent version of Pandas
doesn’t stumble over the commas in the final field of (for example)
Halley’s Comet and give the error ``ParserError: Error tokenizing
data. C error: Expected 12 fields…saw 13``.
`707 <>`_



* Added two new position methods
that, given an illuminator (usually the Sun) as their argument,
compute whether the observer is looking at the bright side or the dark
side of the target body.
They replace a pair of old functions in the almanac module.

* The almanac routine :func:`~skyfield.almanac.moon_nodes()` would
sometimes skip nodes that were closer together than 14.0 days. It has
been tightened down and should now detect all lunar nodes.
`662 <>`_

* Time objects now feature a :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Time.to_astropy`

* The position method :meth:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.to_skycoord` now
sets the ``frame`` attribute of the sky coordinate it returns, and for
now only supports barycentric and geocentric positions.
`577 <>`_



* Times now support arithmetic: you can add or subtract from a time
either a number representing days of Terrestrial Time (TT) or a Python
``timedelta`` which Skyfield interprets as TT days and seconds.
`568 <>`_

* Fixed the ``.itrs_xyz`` vector of the geographic position returned
by the :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.subpoint_of()` method.
`673 <>`_

* Skyfield now uses HTTPS instead of FTP to download JPL ephemeris files
like ``de421.bsp``. This does risk raising an error for users whose
machines have out-of-date root certificates. But it protects the
connection from outside tampering, and will keep working if the
```` FTP service is ever shut down — as happened
earlier this year to FTP on NASA’s ```` server.
`666 <>`_



* Extended the :func:`~skyfield.magnitudelib.planetary_magnitude()`
routine to work with all the major planets, which upgrades it from a
prototype feature to a production feature of Skyfield.

* The :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.subpoint()` method has been
deprecated, because users reported that its name was a poor match for
its behavior. Four new methods have replaced it:
:meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.Geoid.geographic_position_of()`, and
`644 <>`_

* Added a timescale method :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.linspace()`.
`617 <>`_

* The :func:`~skyfield.almanac.oppositions_conjunctions()` routine,
which was originally designed only for planets, can now also handle
the Moon (which moves from opposition to conjunction much faster).



* The
:meth:`Angle.dstr() <skyfield.units.Angle.dstr>`
:meth:`Angle.hstr() <skyfield.units.Angle.hstr>`
methods now accept a ``format=`` argument
that lets callers override Skyfield’s default angle formatting
and supply their own; see `Formatting angles`.
`513 <>`_

* The prototype :func:`~skyfield.magnitudelib.planetary_magnitude()`
function now works not only when given a single position, but when
given a vector of several positions.

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