* The position classes have gained methods
:func:`~skyfield.positionlib.ICRF.frame_latlon()`, and
that work with a new library ``skyfield.framelib``
to offer a number of familiar reference frames.
These replace the existing ad-hoc position methods
for ecliptic and galactic coordinates,
which are now deprecated (but will continue to be supported).
See :ref:`reference_frames`.
`476 <https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield/issues/476>`_
* Added an official :class:`~skyfield.framelib.itrs` reference frame.
* Added support for IERS :ref:`polar-motion` š„ and š¦.
* Added a method :meth:`~skyfield.toposlib.GeographicPosition.lst_hours_at()`
that computes Local Sidereal Time.
* A new almanac routine :func:`~skyfield.almanac.moon_phase()` returns
the Moon phase as an angle where 0Ā° is New Moon, 90Ā° is First Quarter,
180Ā° is Full, and 270Ā° is Last Quarter.
`282 <https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield/issues/282>`_
* Almanac search routines that previously returned a Boolean true/false
array now return an integer 0/1 array instead, to work around a new
deprecation warning in NumPy which, for example, would have outlawed
using the Boolean array from :func:`~skyfield.almanac.moon_nodes()` to
index into the ``MOON_NODES`` list that provides a name for each node.
`486 <https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield/issues/486>`_
* The undocumented columns ``magnitude_H`` and ``magnitude_G`` in the
Minor Planet Center comets dataframe have been renamed ``magnitude_g``
and ``magnitude_k`` following further research on the file format
(which does not itself document which magnitude model is intended).
`416 <https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield/issues/416>`_