
Latest version: v1.49

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* Changed the URL from which leap second files are downloaded; the
server that previously provided them is no longer responding.
Thanks to Richard Shaw for the pull request.
`296 <>`_
`297 <>`_

* Added a :func:`~skyfield.almanac.risings_and_settings()` function for
computing rising and setting times.
`271 <>`_



* Provided a constellation lookup routine through

* Added a ``position_from_radec()`` function.

* Fixed the ``apparent()`` method in the case where a single observer
position is observing an entire vector of target positions.
`229 <>`_



* Fix: an exception was being thrown when creating a ``Loader`` pointed
at a Windows directory for which Python’s ``os.makedirs()`` function
returned a spurious error.
`283 <>`_

* The internal ``reverse_terra()`` routine can now be given an
``iterations=0`` argument if the caller wants geocentric latitude and



* You can now call ``load.timescale(builtin=True)`` to use time scale
files that Skyfield carries internally, instead of downloading them.
Note that the time scale files distributed with any given version of
Skyfield will gradually fall out of date.

* Fix: indexing a position now returns a position with an actual velocity.
`241 <>`_

* Fix: the ``Star`` method ``from_dataframe()`` now correctly pulls
stellar parallax data from the dataframe if available.
`266 <>`_

* Fix: :func:`~skyfield.searchlib.find_discrete()` was generating empty
arrays of search dates, upsetting the astronomy code, if the start and
end dates were very close together.
`240 <>`_



* Fix: teach Skyfield the new format of the Naval Observatory ∆T data
file ``deltat.preds``, whose change in format caused Skyfield to start
throwing an exception for new users.
`236 <>`_



* Added :func:`~skyfield.almanac.seasons` to the :doc:`almanac` module
that can be used to predict solstices and equinoxes.

* Fix: the ecliptic coordinate routines no longer raise ``ValueError:
too many values to unpack`` if they are passed a time array.
`207 <>`_
`208 <>`_

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