* You can now specify the distance to an object when generating a
position from altitude and azimuth coordinates.
`158 <https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield/issues/158>`_
* The dictionary of satellites returned when you read a TLE file
now supports lookup by integer satellite ID, not just by name,
and now knows how to parse TLE files from Space-Track.
`163 <https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield/issues/163>`_
`167 <https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield/issues/167>`_
* Star coordinates can now be offered for any epoch, not just J2000.
`166 <https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield/issues/166>`_
* You can now create a time object given the UT1 date.
`91 <https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield/issues/91>`_
* Fractional Julian years are now available on ``Time`` objects as ``.J``.
* The parameter DUT1 is now available on ``Time`` objects as ``.dut1``.
`176 <https://github.com/skyfielders/python-skyfield/issues/176>`_