Features and Enhancements
- Add a triple quoted string ``'''`` syntax to Storm for defining multiline
(`2530 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2530>`_)
- Add a JSONStor to the Cortex, and expose that in Storm for storing user
related content.
(`2530 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2530>`_)
(`2513 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2513>`_)
- Add durable user notifications to Storm that can be used to send and receive
messages between users.
(`2513 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2513>`_)
- Add a ``leaf`` argument to ``$node.tags()`` that causes the function to only
return the leaf tags.
(`2535 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2535>`_)
- Add an error message in the default help text in pure Storm commands when a
user provides additional arguments or switches, in addition to the
``--help`` switch.
(`2533 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2533>`_)
- Update ``synapse.tools.genpkg`` to automatically bundle Optic workflows from
files on disk.
(`2531 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2531>`_)
- Expand Synapse requirements to include updated versions of the
``packaging``, ``pycryptome`` and ``scalecodec`` modules.
(`2534 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2534>`_)
- Add a missing ``tostr()`` call to the Storm ``background`` query argument.
(`2532 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2532>`_)