Features and Enhancements
- Add ``inet:whois:ipquery``, ``inet:whois:iprec``, ``inet:whois:ipcontact`` and ``inet:whois:regid`` forms to track IP
WHOIS information. Add a ``$lib.inet.whois.guid()`` Stormtypes function that can be used to assist in stable guid
generation for the ``inet:whois:iprec`` forms.
(`1495 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/1495>`_)
- Fix an issue where Provenance claims did not contain the user iden during a ``feed:data`` claim.
(`1531 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/1531>`_)
- Fix an issue where ``tag:add`` splices did not record ``oldv``.
(`1534 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/1534>`_)