Features and Enhancements
- Add Mach-O metadata support the file model. This includes the following
new forms: ``file:mime:macho:loadcmd``, ``file:mime:macho:version``,
``file:mime:macho:uuid``, ``file:mime:macho:segment``, and
(`2503 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2503>`_)
- Add ``it:screenshot``, ``it:prod:hardware``, ``it:prod:component``,
``it:prod:hardwaretype``, and ``risk:mitigation`` forms to the model. Add
``:hardware`` property to ``risk:hasvuln`` form. Add ``:hardware`` property
to ``it:host`` form. The ``:manu`` and ``:model`` secondary properties on
``it:host`` have been deprecated.
(`2514 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2514>`_)
- The ``guid`` type now strips hyphen (``-``) characters when doing norm. This
allows users to provide external UUID / GUID strings for use.
(`2514 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2514>`_)
- Add a ``Axon.postfiles()`` to allow POSTing files as multi-part form encoded
files over HTTP. This is also exposed through the ``fields`` argument on the
Storm ``$lib.inet.http.post()`` and ``$lib.inet:http:request`` APIs.
(`2516 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2516>`_)
- Add ``.yu`` ccTLD to the list of TLDs identified by the Synapse scrape
(`2518 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2518>`_)
- Add ``mesg`` arguments to all instances of ``NoSuchProp`` exceptions.
(`2519 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/2519>`_)