Features and Enhancements
- Add a ``onload`` paramter to the ``stormpkg`` definition. This represents
a Storm query which is executed every time the ``stormpkg`` is loaded in
a Cortex.
(`1971 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/1971>`_)
(`1974 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/1974>`_)
- Add the ability, in Storm, to unset variables, remove items from
dictionaries, and remove items from lists. This is done via assigning
``$lib.undef`` to the value to be removed.
(`1970 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/1970>`_)
- Add support for SOCKS proxy support for outgoing connections from an Axon
and Cortex, using the ``'http:proxy`` configuration option. This
configuration value must be a valid string for the
``aiohttp_socks.ProxyConnector.from_url()`` API. The SOCKS proxy is used by
the Axon when downloading files; and by the Cortex when making HTTP
connections inside of Storm.
(`1968 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/1968>`_)
- Add ``aha:admin`` to the Cell configuration to provide a common name that
is used to create an admin user for remote access to the Cell via the
Aha service.
(`1969 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/1969>`_)
- Add ``auth:ctor`` and ``auth:conf`` config to the Cell in order to allow
hooking the construction of the ``HiveAuth`` object.
(`1969 <https://github.com/vertexproject/synapse/pull/1969>`_)