- The SDL2/OPENGL2 renderers can potentially use a fall-back font when none
are provided.
- New function `tcod.event.get_mouse_state`.
- New function `` lets you get a visibility array directly
from a transparency array.
- The following functions and classes have been deprecated.
- `tcod.Key`
- `tcod.Mouse`
- `tcod.mouse_get_status`
- `tcod.console_is_window_closed`
- `tcod.console_check_for_keypress`
- `tcod.console_wait_for_keypress`
- `tcod.console_delete`
- `tcod.sys_check_for_event`
- `tcod.sys_wait_for_event`
- The SDL, OPENGL, and GLSL renderers have been deprecated.
- Many libtcodpy functions have been marked with PendingDeprecationWarning's.
- To be more compatible with libtcodpy `tcod.console_init_root` will default
to the SDL render, but will raise warnings when an old renderer is used.