- No longer works in Python 2.5 but now works in 3.x and has been partly tested. - Many bug fixes.
- Got rid of setuptools dependency, this will make it much more compatible with Python 3.x - Fixed a typo with the MacOS library import.
- All constant colors (C\_\*) have been removed, they may be put back in later. - Made some type assertion failures show the value they received to help in general debugging. Still working on it. - Added MacOS and 64-bit Linux support.
Added - added C/C++ samples
Changed - `TCODConsole::waitForKeyPress` now has a bool parameter indicating if we flush the keyboard buffer before waiting.
Fixed - fixed a color bug when drawing text using the grey color (196,196,196) - fixed wrong key codes returned by wait/checkForKeyPress on some keyboard layouts
- Initial release
Changes relevant to the users of python-tcod are documented here.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/) since version `2.0.0`.