- added mouse support
- added the file parser module
- added TCODColor::setHSV(float h, float s, float v) and TCODColor::getHSV(float *h, float *s, float *v)
- added TCODColor addition and scalar multiplication. All r,g,b values are clamped to [0-255] :
- C++: `color1 = color2 * 3.5f;`
`color1 = color1 + color2;`
- C : `color1 = TCOD_color_multiply_scalar(color2, 3.5f);`
`color1 = TCOD_color_add(color1, color2);`
- added `TCODConsole::setKeyboardRepeat(int initialDelay, int interval)` and
- added `TCODSystem::getCurrentResolution(int *w, int *h)`
- C++ : colors must be initialized by constructor:
- 1.2.2 : `TCODColor mycol={r,g,b};`
- 1.3 : `TCODColor mycol(r,g,b);`
- TCOD_console_check_for_keypress now has a parameter that indicates which events are tracked
- 1.2.2 : `key = TCOD_console_check_for_keypress();`
- 1.3 : `key = TCOD_console_check_for_keypress(TCOD_KEY_PRESSED);`
- now `TCODFov::computeFov` takes a maxRadius parameter.
Use 0 for unlimited range (default)
- the mouse cursor is now automatically hidden when using fullscreen
- fixed closing the window resulting in a fake 'Q' keyboard event
- fixed `TCODConsole::print*` and `TCODConsole::rect` functions crashing when
printing out of the console
- fixed `f` parameter modified when calling fbm and turbulence noise functions.
Now `f` is no more modified.
- fixed wrong ascii code in `TCOD_key_t.c` when pressing Control and a letter