
Latest version: v15.3.1

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Not secure
* Rotated images if needed when displaying original images.
* Updated invoice pdf to allow invoice owners to download.
* Fixed unicode issues for paypal


Not secure
* Fixes for memberships multiple online payment methods
* Fixed a url in notification/user_welcome/full.html
* bugfix: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'


Not secure
* SECURITY: Patched a secutiry hole in payments that could potentially expose user data.
* Fixed dashboard redirect so that the "Profile Redirect" setting doesn't have to be set to blank for "Group dashboard Redirect" to work.
* Other minor fixes


Not secure
* Support Python 3.6 or newer. Python 2.7 is no longer supported.
* Requires Django 1.11. Django 1.8 is no longer supported.
* T7 sites can be smoothly migrated from the previous version (7.5.x) if you follow the guide in docs/source/upgrade/upgrade-to-tendenci11.txt.

Special Thanks
* A quick shout-out to Paul Donohue PaulSD, who has made tremendous contributions on converting Tendenci to Python 3 and making it compatible with Django 1.11. Thanks Paul!
* And to those who have been working diligently to constantly improve Tendenci, we appreciate you!


Not secure
* Fixed an error on education search.
* Updated CM top menu.
* Updated EducationForm to populate the data on membership renewal and prevent existing education records from being wipped out on renewal if no education fields are presented,
* Documented discount setup and testing. (Thanks to Karl Goetz goetzk).


Not secure
* Updated the list_corporate_memberships template tag to have the option to filter by corporate membership type.
* Fixed the issue about new templates not showing in droplist on page add/edit.
* Made embed_form to fail silently to not break entire site.
* Added the active only checkbox to the corporate memberships search.
* Added the setting "Users Can Add Resumes" so that admin can turn off/on users ability to add resumes.
* Updated Members Roster Report for printer.
* Added stripe connect (readonly currently).
* Fixed payment method options not showing all on event registration.
* Excluded admin_only payment method for non-admin.
* Fixed the js error for directories and jobs add/edit caused by RelatedObjectLookups.js.
* Fixed KeyError no id in JobPricingForm.
* Added the option on_delete=models.SET_NULL to avoid data loss for lots of OneToOneField and ForeignKey fields.
* Allow reps to renew their corporate memberships.
* Applied orientation to retain intended position for photos.
* Fixed queryset filter for "disapprove" admin action.
* Fixed spacing in "From:" header causing spamminess for notifications.
* Checked if email domain is valid before sending email.
* Lots of other minor fixes.

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