
Latest version: v15.3.1

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* **SECURITY**: Bumped Django to 2.2.24. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/releases/2.2.24/
* Bumped Pillow from 8.1.2 to 8.2.0
* Bumped django-ses from 1.0.3 to 2.0.0
* Updated django-sql-explorer from 1.1.3 to 2.1.2
* Updated the "Request to Associate" for the affiliates.
* Removed the old invoicing link /reports/ from top menu and redirected it to the invoices report overview.
* Fixed "Error App label is required.. Model name is required." when an image in the sponsors field is being uploaded for committees and chapters.
* Updated docs to add the support for ubuntu 20.04 LTS and remove the support for ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
* Fixed "Required field has no asterisk" (issue 1014).
* Made slug field unique for chapters and committees to avoid the MultipleObjectsReturned error.
* Resolved the issue on soft deleting users from the front end.
* Resolved the issue regarding invoice logo not showing on PDF.
* Fixed an InvalidOperation error for discounts.
* Fixed a TypeError on event registration when admin override is selected but override price is not entered.
* Fixed the issue about not being able to add officers to studygroups.


* **SECURITY**: Bumped Django to 2.2.22. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/releases/2.2.22/
* **New feature**: Added profile photo upload. Now users don't have to go to gravatar.com to upload their profile photos. If they don't have their profile photos uploaded, their gravatars will still be used if available.
* Added "Revenue & Key Metrics by Tendenci" to the top menu under Reports (Thanks Edna).
* Added an option to specify a reply to email address for event registration confirmation emails
* Updated affiliates to set initial for the listing to connect, and display warning messages if no listings are available to connect.
* Added email field to the officers for committees and chapters.
* Fixed some nav issues for event log summary.
* Updated default memberships fixture to capitalize the first character of company.
* Fixed the green “Pay Invoice” button not showing on invoices view


* **SECURITY**: Upgraded jQuery from 3.4.1 to 3.6.0 (There is a XSS vulnerability in the version < 3.5.0 https://blog.jquery.com/2020/04/10/jquery-3-5-0-released/)
* Moved the industry field from memberships to profiles.
* Users can view a list of their own directories.
* Added filters to ListNode (Thanks theox26)
* Added newsletter recipients on "Ready to Send" confirmation page
* Fixed a potential IntegrityError on user groups add.
* Fixed a TypeError on tickets search.
* Fixed a NoReverseMatch error in the photos view.


Not secure
* Bumped Django to 2.2.20.
* Added a link to chapters under the community tab.
* Added an "Add Event" link to the Apps menu.
* Fixed an AttributeError for forums post deletion.
* Updated invoice reports overview to display default date range and to handle invoices without object type.
* Updated translation for pt_BR (Thanks farribeiro)


Not secure
* Showed the link to invoice reports overview for superuser only (Hided from non-superuser).


Not secure
* Added an invoice reports overview.
* Fixed photo upload crash with GPS info.
* Resolved the issue regarding free corp memberships that are not required approval should be approved automatically.
* Fixed a issue for event location summary formatting.

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