* Added the clone feature for chapters.
* Added two site settings for chapters: "Chapter admin notice recipients" (`/settings/module/chapters/id_chapterrecipients`) and "Chapter Default Featured Image URL" (`/settings/module/chapters/id_defaultimage`).
* Added the option (`/settings/module/user_groups/id_permrequiredingd`) to show groups (in the group dropdown) that user has the change perm (instead of view perm) for news, photos, events and files.
* Added the group field to videos.
* Staff users who has the group edit perm can now see group members and email members.
* Added a section on user profiles to display their chapter, if any.
* Added "Export All Members" to Membership export. (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Improved expiry widget layout a little on membership types edit. (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Added some simple help to two options, allow_renewal and renewal on membership types. (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Added virtual and national fields to events.
* The state field on events add/edit can now opt for a state dropdown instead of an input field (`/settings/module/events/id_stateusedropdown`). And the state dropdown can be further narrowed to have US states only (`/settings/site/global/id_usstatesonly`).
* Tightened the permission for user groups.
* Fixed an issue that an unhandled exception in a view returns a status 200. It returns 500 status code now. (Thanks BenSturmfels)
* Resolved a migration warning.