
Latest version: v15.3.1

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Not secure
Removed the `urllize` filter from the description of event speakers, organizer and sponsors, because it is not needed for those fields with wysiwyg editor.


Not secure
* Removed "delete" option and added "inactivate" to the Action dropdown for navs to avoid being accidentally deleted.
* Added settings for study groups
* Added the help text for the directory Name field to clearly show this is the public name of the company, not the name of the person filling it out.
* Allowed users who have approve permission to view and edit admin-only fields as the designated approvers need to be able to view and edit these fields.
* Added required attribute for radio field type if needed
* Updated FormControlWidgetMixin to exclude multiplehiddeninput and hiddeninput.
* Updated admin view for the payments
* Django_ses.SESBackend conditional added to newletter relay function (Thanks robbierobs)
* Updated django to 2.2.18
* Updated Pillow to 8.1.8
* Updated django-storages to 1.11.1
* Updated xhtml2pdf to 0.2.5
* Fixed an IntegrityError on membership type add when a name exists already. Updated the clean method for some forms as well to ensure it is loaded from super call to avoid missing validation from super class.
* Fixed upload not working for photos with metadata
* Fixed some format issues for payment view page
* Fixed an KeyError on events pricing edit


Not secure
* Added the chapters module
* Removed the "exact match" from profiles search and updated search form format.
* Created the template tag list_jobs_categories.
* Added title, location and skills fields to jobs search.
* Added sender_display and reply_to to email to pending members.
* Added canonical url to /news/, /articles/ and /events/.
* Updated dashboard to show the last three Tendenci blog posts.
* Added tokens to email sent via groups and newsletters.
* Added the option to have pending and/or active reps groups based on corp membership types.
* Updated Help files: 1) Set to pending for help files added by regular user. 2) Added email notification if added by non-superuser. 3) Fixed top menu for add/edit pages (was showing Articles instead of Help Files).
* Restricted corp profile link on directory view to owner and admins only
* Enabled user to edit directory they are member of (Thanks yehuda-elementryx)
* Fixed category and subcategory for directories meta title and description
* Made email fail mode configurable (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Removed directory creator from metadata (Thanks robbierobs and evanspaeder)
* Allowed superuser or reps or users with view_corpprofile perms to view their corp profile
* Resolved timing out for email to pending members
* Updated boto3 version to 1.16.43
* Removed unnecessary duplication in forms menu (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Made the officers table headings bold by default for committees. (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Added the default fixture for industries
* Fixed search not working for committees and chapters
* Fixed the issue about default not working in custom forms for boolean field
* Fixed a bug for users with userid 0 (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Updated the select boxes on member add for user groups (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Updated profiles search to support searching for members NOT in any groups (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Fixed header on group detail page (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Added Membership Types to the Community menu (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Support for timeless dates on membership cards (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Added Members to Apps/Organization menu (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Added membership type to member cards (Thanks bernd-wechner)
* Fixed unrestricted deserialization for helpdesk
* Fixed members search showing Users menu instead of Membership menu.
* Updated the description of the Primary Keywords setting
* Updated email to pending members to allow for segmenting based on membership types.
* Allowed users with directories change permissions to view pending directories.
* Allowed users with profiles change permissions to access users search and similar users list.
* Extended truncated summary and body for directories/marketplace search results (Thanks robbierobs)
* Fixed some issues in recurring payment for authorizenet.
* Changed h1 tags to h3 tags for news headline on news search page.
* Updated recurring payment details page.
* Fixed import username limit (Thanks evanspaeder)
* Fixed some issues for event minimal_add
* Resolved permission bits not being saved for membership apps
* Fixed a bug in forms module


Not secure
* Updated similar users list to be case-insensitive.
* Resolved the issue about speaker photo overlaps the text.
* Updated django version to 2.2.17.
* Updated the notifications email view to superuser only.
* Fixed value too long for NoticeEmail.
* Fixed missing file perms re-assignment on directories approal.


Not secure
* **SECURITY**: Updated exports to prevent potential CSV injection in the exported CSV files.
* **SECURITY**: Added the missing FileValidator to restrict files to images for case studies edit only at admin backend.


Not secure
* **SECURITY**: Fixed a potential HTML Injection and XSS vulnerability in a few area of admin backend.
* Fixed a ValueError for directory add.

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