This release fixes a potential bug when running cadence strategies and adds minimal logging to the corresponding management command.
cadence-fields` changed from `list` to `set`
This release pulls in the 1.12.1 fix for ` recent_comments` templatetag when using a PostgreSQL database backend.
This is the first `alpha` release of version `1.13.0`.
The focus of this release is to expand the use-cases supported by the Cadence mechanism.
* updates dependencies from Django 3.1.1 to Django 3.1.2 * defined `DynamicCadence` class to associate `CadenceStrategy` with `ObservationGroup` * refactored `CadenceForm` class to support arbitrary cadence parameters * dev-ops enhancements in `flake8` and `coveralls`
Not secure
This release addresses the following:
- Excludes observations with no status from the pending observations alert bubble - Fixes bug in SOAR slit parameters
Not secure
This release adds a templatetag to `target_detail.html` that displays the number of Observation Records with no known status, in order to address the case that the user does not realize that the observations have yet to obtain an up-to-date status.