What's Changed
* Update Maximum dependencies
* Update sphinx requirement from <6,>=4 to >=4,<7 by dependabot in https://github.com/TOMToolkit/tom_base/pull/582
* Update django-crispy-forms requirement from ~=1.11 to >=1.11,<3.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/TOMToolkit/tom_base/pull/615
**NOTE:** upgrading to django-crispy-forms 2.x requires users to edit their `settings.py` in the following ways:
* add `crispy_bootstrap4` to their installed apps after `crispy_forms`
* add `CRISPY_ALLOWED_TEMPLATE_PACKS = "bootstrap4"`
* Update django-bootstrap4 requirement from <23,>=3 to >=3,<24 by dependabot in https://github.com/TOMToolkit/tom_base/pull/627
* Update django-filter requirement from <23,>=21 to >=21,<24 by dependabot in https://github.com/TOMToolkit/tom_base/pull/624
* Bug Fix for django 4.2 incompatability by jchate6 in https://github.com/TOMToolkit/tom_base/pull/629
* Hermes Sharing with Updated Schema by jchate6 in https://github.com/TOMToolkit/tom_base/pull/622
* Hermes API key now required instead of SCiMMA Credentials
* New schema requirements for Hermes 0.8.0
* Optional Target Creation function can be implemented if needed
* list of writable topics now pulled from Hermes.
* tom_alerts changes for more general Brokers (specifically `tom_hermes`) by phycodurus in https://github.com/TOMToolkit/tom_base/pull/639
* Remove Mars Broker Support, as Mars no longer exists.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TOMToolkit/tom_base/compare/2.13.0...2.14.0