* add API method to erase a revision 4662
* fix highlighting search results with regexp characters in fulltext string, closes 4665
* Improved scriptes bin/copy-trilium.sh, bin/build-linux-x64.sh 4671
* fix searching fulltext with tags, closes 4661
* 4635 from WantToLearnJapanese/WantToLearnJapanese-patch-unhoist-bookmark
* fix JSDoc, closes 4633
* Add the -o option to the groupmod command used in start-docker.sh 4632
* PWA manifest fixes for extra auth, fixes 4611
* activate parent note when deleting a note, 4600
* added keyboard shortcut for toggling the right pane, closes 4552
* fix pin button shadow, closes 4595
* CKEditor 41.0.0
* synx fixes