**0.46.X contains changes in sync protocol compared to 0.45.X so all instances must be updated.**
**To upgrade docker containers you need to manually change execute steps outlined in https://github.com/zadam/trilium/issues/1747#issuecomment-799646048**
* new search UI
* quick search widget in the upper right corner
* "full" search which is actually a saved search - allows to specify some search criteria using UI
* besides searching this provides the ability to define "search actions" which allow to operate on the search results - e.g. add a label
* more intelligent "auto book" behavior where any text/code note is auto book even if it has content
* icon picker
* note tree loading now doesn't access database, instead it leverages already existing backend note cache. This results in significant speed up of some operations
* new grouping widget for Owned Attributes, Inherited Attributes, Search definition etc.
* per-tab hoisting - previously hoisting was global, now it can be defined per tab
* based on this a new concept of [Workspace](https://github.com/zadam/trilium/wiki/Workspace) was created which currently allows changing tab look
* removed "global buttons", part of the buttons have been moved to the note tree
* each tree node has + button to easily add new child note
* (experimental) markdown like headings in text notes
* DB refactorings, deleted entities are now truly deleted (besides trail in entity\_changes)
* Sync protocol now allows breaking up large notes between several requests to work around issues with request size limits in web servers/proxies
* Sync protocol uses custom header for basic authentication to avoid proxy issues
* Note info widget now allows calculating note and subtree size