**0.44.X contains changes in sync protocol compared to 0.43.X so all instances must be updated.**
This release brings:
* major overhaul of search syntax and search capabilities (see RFC in 1041 and current documentation in [wiki](https://github.com/zadam/trilium/wiki/Search)).
* **new syntax is not compatible with the old one and there's no automatic migration for e.g. Saved Search notes or when searching in scripts. It's up to you to migrate the searches into the new syntax.**
* searching is unified across for all use cases - e.g. now Jump To dialog uses the same algorithms as the main search
* attribute inheritance is respected in all searches
* fulltext search works can find protected notes while in protected session
* major overhaul of attribute UI - see RFC in 1068 (shows only very initial prototype though) which allows both text based and graphical UI for working with attributes:
* backend is now using [better-sqlite3](https://github.com/JoshuaWise/better-sqlite3) library with synchronous access to the database which allows much better performance in some cases
* imported notes are sanitized for unknown HTML/CSS/JS content
* Links in text notes behave now consistently between classical links and hypertext - single click will activate the target note
* Jump To dialog remembers (for 2 minutes) last searched item
* Dropped support for .tar imports
* Images are now not minified, only scaled
* Optimized update of note tree resulting in smoother UX
* added remove formatting plugin 1239
* reworked similarity widget - brand new weight based algorithm evaluating also attributes
* inline note creation 1237