Made DispatchByVersion more lenient of ROOT objects without a `num_bytes`, but having everything else (PR 251).
ryuwd fixed a case with XRootD `readv_iov_max` limit being exceeded.
chrisburr reinstated the Python 3.5 tests (after fixing conda-forge upstream).
jpivarski fixed a bug in which returning regular arrays along with lower-dimensional arrays broadcasted them. This has been fixed in both `` (scikit-hep/awkward-1.0656) and in UprootPR 245. Updating _either_ should be sufficient.
Also added hooks to the decompression process and properties to get per-branch compression information (PR 247).
nikoladze significantly revamped the XRootDSource to deal with vector reads in which TBaskets are larger than XRootD's `max_element_size` (PR 243).
No changes with respect to 4.0.1rc3.
henryiii modernized the setup configuration (231) and fixed `kind` for normal histograms (236).
HealthyPear fixed a bug that prevented reading TProfile2D and TProfile3D (228).
kratsg added behaviors for TGraphAsymmErrors (240).
jpivarski hid XRootD's ReferenceError in `atexit` (237) and TH3's `to_numpy` (239).
douglasdavis fixed warnings that would come up in NumPy 1.20.
I added badges, and I'm making a release to get a new Zenodo DOI associated with this repo, rather than uproot3.