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pandas.DataFrame` is now accepted as an `outputtype`. This means that you can iterate over DataFrames with

>>> for df in uproot.iterate("/lots/of/files/*.root", "treepath",
... ["favorite*", "branches*"],
... outputtype=pandas.DataFrame):
... do_whatever(df)

and the DataFrames `df` will have the right indexes. In a single file,

>>> for df in tree.iterate(["favorite*", "branches*"],
... outputtype=pandas.DataFrame,
... entrystart=100, entrystop=1000):
... do_whatever(df)

this means the indexes start at `entrystart` and stop before `entrystop`, but in an iteration over multiple files (the first example), the indexes are non-overlapping global indexes— the same as you would get from `reportentries`. Loosely speaking, `reportentries` + Numpy arrays == Pandas DataFrame.

Note that `tree.pandas.df(...)` is now just a synonym for `tree.arrays(..., outputtype=pandas.DataFrame)`.


Fixes 60 by generalizing the branch-recovery handling. See [commit](https://github.com/scikit-hep/uproot/commit/c1adf5e0b5ea74cb8d0a406e26abf30783530876) for details.


Fixed a regression due to handling of 56 ([release 2.7.4](https://github.com/scikit-hep/uproot/releases/tag/2.7.4)), raised [here](https://github.com/scikit-hep/uproot/commit/2f49057578770d65351c19f65be9a81bbdd26ca1#commitcomment-27977488).


Pull request 59 from asymmetry, which fixes inter-process disk cache in Python >= 3.3.


LazyArray API completely revamped; it now supports lazy arrays across files:

this step reads nothing except TTree headers to get a global map of numentries
(and returns immediately):
>>> la = uproot.tree.lazyarrays("tests/samples/sample-*.root", "sample")
>>> la
{'ab': <LazyArray 'ab' at 7bd3e5355650>, 'f4': <LazyArray 'f4' at 7bd3e5355cd0>,
'Ai8': <LazyArray 'Ai8' at 7bd3e5355bd0>, 'f8': <LazyArray 'f8' at 7bd3e5355d90>,
'Ai4': <LazyArray 'Ai4' at 7bd3e5355a50>, 'Ai1': <LazyArray 'Ai1' at 7bd3e5355750>,
'Ai2': <LazyArray 'Ai2' at 7bd3e53558d0>, 'ai2': <LazyArray 'ai2' at 7bd3e5355890>,
'ai8': <LazyArray 'ai8' at 7bd3e5355b90>, 'u4': <LazyArray 'u4' at 7bd3e5355a90>,
'u1': <LazyArray 'u1' at 7bd3e5355790>, 'u2': <LazyArray 'u2' at 7bd3e5355910>,
'i8': <LazyArray 'i8' at 7bd3e5355b50>, 'i1': <LazyArray 'i1' at 7bd3e53556d0>,
'Au2': <LazyArray 'Au2' at 7bd3e5355990>, 'i2': <LazyArray 'i2' at 7bd3e5355850>,
'i4': <LazyArray 'i4' at 7bd3e53559d0>, 'Au1': <LazyArray 'Au1' at 7bd3e5355810>,
'b': <LazyArray 'b' at 7bd3e5355610>, 'Af8': <LazyArray 'Af8' at 7bd3e5355e10>,
'Au4': <LazyArray 'Au4' at 7bd3e5355b10>, 'ai1': <LazyArray 'ai1' at 7bd3e5355710>,
'Af4': <LazyArray 'Af4' at 7bd3e5355d50>, 'Au8': <LazyArray 'Au8' at 7bd3e5355c90>,
'u8': <LazyArray 'u8' at 7bd3e5355c10>, 'Ab': <LazyArray 'Ab' at 7bd3e5355690>,
'n': <LazyArray 'n' at 7bd3e53555d0>, 'au1': <LazyArray 'au1' at 7bd3e53557d0>,
'au2': <LazyArray 'au2' at 7bd3e5355950>, 'af8': <LazyArray 'af8' at 7bd3e5355dd0>,
'au4': <LazyArray 'au4' at 7bd3e5355ad0>, 'str': <LazyArray 'str' at 7bd3e5355e50>,
'ai4': <LazyArray 'ai4' at 7bd3e5355a10>, 'af4': <LazyArray 'af4' at 7bd3e5355d10>,
'au8': <LazyArray 'au8' at 7bd3e5355c50>}

this object represents the "i4" branch across all files
(24 in this case; the files matching the glob pattern above; you can also use explicit lists)
>>> la["i4"]
<LazyArray 'i4' at 7bd3e53559d0>

use __getitem__ to actually read anything
>>> la["i4"][10:20]
array([-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=int32)

And it has a Dask connector:

>>> la["i4"].dask.array()
dask.array<array, shape=(720,), dtype=int32, chunksize=(7,)>

The default Dask chunksize is the basket size (ridiculously small in this example, just to demonstrate).


Fixed 56: uproot can now handle ROOT files with classes that have the same names but different versions (usually made by hadd combining files made with different versions of ROOT). The objects' `__class__` matches the class used to read it in.

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