* Writing `TH1`, `TH2`, `TH3`, `TProfile`, and `TProfile2D`.
* Memory size units as strings, like `"1 GB"`, particularly in **entrysteps** (e.g. `for data in tree.iterate(entrysteps="1 GB")`). (Issue 285)
* `tree.mempartitions` implements memory-sized partitions, like clusters but targeting a memory size.
* Memory size units can be used in all arguments that specify a number of bytes, such as `limitbytes`, `chunkbytes` in `ArrayCache` and `` for remote files.
* HTTP and XRootD source options can now be passed simply into `"http://remote/file.root", limitbytes="1 GB")`.
* Fixed error in **entrysteps** (Issue 286).
* Fixed some documentation.
* Fixed branch selection with a boolean function.