Minor change: all `keys()`, `values()`, `items()`, etc. now return lists, rather than iterators. As in Python 2, there's an `iterkeys()`, `itervalues()`, `iteritems()` of each form.
On the Python command line, it's more convenient to look at a directory listing by `f.keys()` than `list(f.keys())`.
The Pandas connector (`tree.pandas.df()`) is now documented.
Added Pandas connector and "recover" feature for ROOT files incorrectly closed on writing.
Fixed a few small bugs discovered with new test files and enabled automatic deployment. (This will be the first *release* that triggers a deployment on PyPI.)
Bugs fixed:
* branches with zero leaves should have no Interpretation * branch printout formatting as desired by user * fixed streamer-branch association for STL streamers with a single element 'This'.
Now each branch is associated with its streamer info (if possible). This makes it possible to read std::vectors, and `std::vector<numbers>` has been implemented.