
Latest version: v0.50.0

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Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Éric Dupuis (:user:`coxipi`).

New features and enhancements
* New properties: Bivariate Spell Length (``xclim.sdba.properties.bivariate_spell_length``), Generalized Spell Lengths with an argument for `window`, and Specific Spell Lengths with `window` fixed to '1' (``xclim.sdba.properties.threshold_count``, ``xclim.sdba.properties.bivariate_threshold_count``). (:pull:`1758`).
* New option `normalize` in ``sdba.measures.taylordiagram`` to obtain normalized Taylor Diagrams (divide standard deviations by standard deviation of the reference). (:pull:`1764`).

Breaking changes
* `pint` has been pinned below v0.24 until `xclim` can be updated to support the latest version. (:issue:`1771`, :pull:`1772`).
* `numpy` has been pinned below v2.0.0 until `xclim` can be updated to support the latest version. (:pull:`1783`).
* Calendar utilities that have an equivalent in `xarray` have been deprecated and will be removed in `xclim` v0.51.0. (:issue:`1010`, :pull:`1761`). This concerns the following members of ``xclim.core.calendar``:
- ``convert_calendar`` : Use ``Dataset.convert_calendar``, ``DataArray.convert_calendar`` or ``xr.coding.calendar_ops.convert_calendar`` instead.
+ If your code passes ``target`` as an array, first convert the source to the target's calendar and then reindex the result to ``target``.
+ If you were using the ``doy=True`` option, replace it with ``xc.core.calendar.convert_doy(source, target_cal).convert_calendar(target_cal)``.
+ ``"default"`` is no longer a valid calendar name for any xclim functions and will not be returned by ``get_calendar``. Xarray has a ``use_cftime`` argument, xclim exposes it when the distinction is needed.
- ``date_range`` : Use ``xarray.date_range`` instead.
- ``date_range_like``: Use ``xarray.date_range_like`` instead.
- ``interp_calendar`` : Use ``Dataset.interp_calendar`` or ``xarray.coding.calendar_ops.interp_calendar`` instead.
- ``days_in_year`` : Use ``xarray.coding.calendar_ops._days_in_year`` instead.
- ``datetime_to_decimal_year`` : Use ``xarray.coding.calendar_ops._datetime_to_decimal_year`` instead.

Internal changes
* Synchronized tooling versions across ``pyproject.toml`` and ``tox.ini`` and pinned them to the latest stable releases in GitHub Workflows. (:pull:`1744`).
* Fixed a few small spelling and grammar issues that were causing errors with `codespell`. Now ignoring `SVG` files. (:pull:`1769`).
* Temporarily skipping the ``test_hawkins_sutton_smoke`` test due to strange behaviour with `xarray`. (:pull:`1769`).
* Fixed some previously uncaught errors raised from recent versions of `pylint` and `codespell`. (:pull:`1772`).
* Set the `doctest` examples to all use `h5netcdf` with worker-separated caches to load datasets. (:pull:`1772`).

Bug fixes
* ``xclim.indices.{cold|hot}_spell_total_length`` now properly uses the argument `window` to only count spells with at least `window` time steps. (:issue:`1765`, :pull:`1777`).
* Addressed an error in ``xclim.ensembles._filters._concat_hist`` where remnants of a scenario selection were not being dropped properly. (:pull:`1780`).


Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), David Huard (:user:`huard`), Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`), Javier Diez-Sierra (:user:`JavierDiezSierra`), Sarah Gammon (:user:`SarahG-579462`), Éric Dupuis (:user:`coxipi`).

* `xclim` has migrated its development branch name from `master` to `main`. (:issue:`1667`, :pull:`1669`).

New features and enhancements
* Indicator ``xclim.atmos.potential_evapotranspiration`` and indice ``xclim.indices.potential_evapotranspiration`` now accept a new value (`DA02`) for argument `method` implementing potential evapotranspiration based on Droogers and Allen (2002). (:issue:`1710`, :pull:`1723`).
* The documentation now uses the `furo <https://github.com/pradyunsg/furo>`_ theme for Sphinx. This theme supports native "light" and "dark" modes, adaptive screen resolution, as well as provides a better navigation layout for pages housing long lists of entries (e.g. `indices`). (:issue:`1693`, :pull:`1731`).
* ``xclim.ensembles.ensemble_percentiles`` now takes a `method` argument, accepting one of: `'interpolated_inverted_cdf'`, `'hazen'`, `'weibull'`, `'linear'` (default), `'median_unbiased'`, or `'normal_unbiased'`. (:issue:`1694`, :pull:`1732`).
* Distributions with negative values are directly fitted without need for an offset for distributions such as `'gamma'` and `'fisk'` in ``xclim.indices.standardized_precipitation_evapotranspiration_index``. (:issue:`1477` :pull:`1720`).
* ``xclim.indices.stats_fit_start`` gives an estimate of the `loc` parameter for `'gamma'` and `'fisk'` distributions. (:issue:`1477` :pull:`1720`).

New indicators
* New ``snw_season_length`` and ``snd_season_length`` computing the duration between the start and the end of the snow season, both defined as the first day of a continuous period with snow above/under a threshold. Previous versions of these indicators were renamed ``snw_days_above`` and ``snd_days_above`` to better reflect what they computed : the number of days with snow above a given threshold (with no notion of continuity). (:issue:`1703`, :pull:`1708`).
* Added ``xclim.atmos.duff_moisture_code``, part of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. It was already an output of the ``xclim.atmos.cffwis_indices``, but now has its own standalone indicator. (:issue:`1698`, :pull:`1712`).

Breaking changes
* The previously deprecated functions ``xclim.sdba.processing.construct_moving_yearly_window`` and ``xclim.sdba.processing.unpack_moving_yearly_window`` have been removed. These functions have been replaced by ``xclim.core.calendar.stack_periods`` and ``xclim.core.calendar.unstack_periods``. (:pull:`1717`).
* The previously deprecated function ``xclim.ensembles.change_significance`` has been removed. (:pull:`1737`).
* Indicators ``snw_season_length`` and ``snd_season_length`` have been modified. (:issue:`1703`, :pull:`1708`).
* The `'hargeaves85'`/`'hg85'` method for the ``potential_evapotranspiration`` indicator and indice has been modified for precision and consistency with recent academic literature. (:issue:`1710`, :pull:`1723`).
* The `__getitem__` method of ``xclim.core.indicator.Parameter`` instances has been removed. Accessing members of ``Parameters`` now uniquely uses dot notation. (:pull:`1721`).
* The obsolete function wrapper for generating Indicators ``xclim.core.utils.wrapped_partial`` has been removed. (:pull:`1721`).
* The default documentation theme has changed from `sphinx-rtd-theme` to `furo`; Several modifications to the documentation configuration and CSS overrides have been made to accommodate the changes. `furo` is now a `docs` dependency. (:issue:`1693`, :pull:`1731`).
* Estimation of parameters using `_fit_start` for `gamma` and `fisk` has been changed and can affect the results obtained with full-fledged (e.g. "ML") methods. (:issue:`1477` :pull:`1720`).
* Method `APP` in ``xclim.indices.standardized_precipitation_index`` and ``xclim.indices.standardized_precipitation_evapotranspiration_index`` now requires the user to impose a `loc` parameter through `fitkwargs['floc']`. (:issue:`1477`, :pull:`1720`).
* Zero inflated distributions used in ``xclim.stats.standardized_index`` now appropriately use the probability of zeroes in the calibration data and not the entire dataset. (:issue:`1477` :pull:`1720`).

Bug fixes
* Fixed a bug in `sdba`'s ``map_groups`` that prevented passing DataArrays with cftime coordinates if the ``sdba_encode_cf`` option was `'True'`. (:issue:`1673`, :pull:`1674`).
* Fixed bug in `sdba` where a loaded training dataset could not be used for adjustment. (:issue:`1678`, :pull:`1679`).
* Fixed bug with loess smoothing for an array full of NaNs. (:pull:`1699`).
* Fixed and adapted ``time_bnds`` to the newest xarray. (:pull:`1700`).
* Fixed "agreement fraction" in ``robustness_fractions`` to distinguish between negative change and no change. Added "negative" and "changed negative" fractions (:issue:`1690`, :pull:`1711`).
* ``make_criteria`` now skips columns with NaNs across all realizations. (:pull:`1713`).
* Fixed bug where `QuantileDeltaMapping` adjustment was failing for seasonal grouping. (:issue:`1704`, :pull:`1716`).
* The codebase has been adjusted to address several (~400) `mypy`-related errors attributable to inaccurate function call signatures and variable name shadowing. (:issue:`1719`, :pull:`1721`).
* ``xclim.core.formatting.generate_indicator_docstring`` has been modified to ensure that the `numpy`-docstrings of all Indicators are consistent in their formatting. (:pull:`1731`).
* Fixed documentation example for frequency adaptation with `sdba`. (:issue:`1740`, :pull:`1742`).

Internal changes
* Added "doymin" and "doymax" to the possible operations of ``generic.stats``. Fixed a warning issue when ``op`` was "integral". (:pull:`1672`).
* Reorganized GitHub CI build matrices to run the doctests more consistently. (:pull:`1709`).
* Removed the experimental `numba` and `llvm` dependency installation steps in the `tox.ini` file. Added `numbamain` to the upstream dependencies. (:pull:`1709`).
* Added the `tox-gh` dependency to the development installation recipe. This will soon be required for running the `tox` test ensemble on GitHub Workflows. (:pull:`1709`).
* Added the `vulture` static code analysis tool for finding dead code to the development dependency list and linters (makefile, tox and pre-commit hooks). (:pull:`1717`).
* Added error message when using `xclim.indices.stats.dist_method` with `nnlf` and included note in docstring. (:issue:`1683`, :pull:`1714`).
* PEP8 rule `N802` is now enabled in the `ruff` formatter. Function names should follow `Snake case <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_case>`_, with rare exceptions. (:pull:`1721`).
* Linting dependencies have been updated to the latest versions and made consistent across `environment.yml`, `pyproject.toml` and `tox.ini` files. (:pull:`1717`).
* Code styling for the documentation now uses `sas` ("light" theme) and `lightbulb` ("dark" theme) in order to ensure adequate contrast for code blocks. (:pull:`1731`).
* Added several CSS overrides related to the HTML elements generated by `xarray` in the notebook-sourced documentation. (:pull:`1731`).


Contributors to this version: Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`).

Bug fixes
* Add ``measure`` to YAML validation schema (for building sdba properties) and allow skipping the YAML validation when building modules. (:pull:`1664`).


Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`).

Bug fixes
* Fixed an issue with missing `conda` dependencies in the `xclim` documentation. (:pull:`1657`).
* Adjusted the Mastodon publishing workflow. (:pull:`1657`).
* Pinned `nbconvert` to address regressions when building the documentation. (:pull:`1658`).


Contributors to this version: Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), David Huard (:user:`huard`), Éric Dupuis (:user:`coxipi`), Dante Castro (:user:`profesorpaiche`), Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`).

* `xclim` no longer supports Python3.8. (:issue:`1268`, :pull:`1565`).
* `xclim` now officially supports Python3.12 (requires `numba>=0.59.0`). (:pull:`1613`).
* `xclim` now adheres to the `Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 <https://semver.org/>`_ specification. (:issue:`1556`, :pull:`1569`).
* The `xclim` repository now uses `GitHub Discussions <https://github.com/Ouranosinc/xclim/discussions>`_ to offer help for users, coordinate translation efforts, and support general Q&A for the `xclim` community. The `xclim` `Gitter` room has been deprecated in favour of GitHub Discussions. (:issue:`1571`, :pull:`1572`).
* For secure correspondence, `xclim` now offers a PGP key for users to encrypt sensitive communications. For more information, see the ``SECURITY.md``. (:issue:`1181`, :pull:`1604`).

New features and enhancements
* Added uncertainty partitioning method `lafferty_sriver` from Lafferty and Sriver (2023), which can partition uncertainty related to the downscaling method. (:issue:`1497`, :pull:`1529`).
* Validate YAML indicators description before trying to build module. (:issue:`1523`, :issue:`1595`, :pull:`1560`, :pull:`1596`, :pull:`1600`).
* Support ``indexer`` keyword in YAML indicator description. (:issue:`1522`, :pull:`1561`).
* New ``xclim.core.calendar.stack_periods`` and ``unstack_periods`` for performing ``rolling(time=...).construct(..., stride=...)`` but with non-uniform temporal periods like years or months. They replace ``xclim.sdba.processing.construct_moving_yearly_window`` and ``unpack_moving_yearly_window`` which are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
* New ``as_dataset`` options for ``xclim.set_options``. When True, indicators will output Datasets instead of DataArrays. (:issue:`1257`, :pull:`1625`).
* Added new option for ``universal_thermal_climate_index`` calculation (``wind_cap_min: bool``) to cap low wind velocities to a minimum of 0.5 m/s following Bröde (2012) guidelines. (:issue:`1634`, :pull:`1635`).
* Added option ``never_reached`` to ``degree_days_exceedance_date`` to assign a custom value when the sum threshold is never reached. (:issue:`1459`, :pull:`1647`).
* Added option ``min_members`` to ensemble statistics to mask elements when the number of valid members is under a threshold. (:issue:`1459`, :pull:`1647`).
* Distribution instances can now be passed to the ``dist`` argument of most statistical indices. (:pull:`1644`).
* Added a new ``xclim.indices.generic.select_rolling_resample_op`` function to allow for computing rolling statistics. (:issue:`1480`, :pull:`1643`).
* Add the possibility to use a group with a window in ``xc.sdba.processing.reordering``. (:pull:`1566`).

Breaking changes
* `xclim` base Python version has been raised to Python3.9. Python3.9+ coding conventions are now supported. (:issue:`1268`, :pull:`1565`).
* `xclim` base dependencies have been raised to `pandas>=2.2.0` and `xarray>=2023.11.0` to reflect changes to time frequency codes introduced in `pandas==2.2.0`. (:issue:`1534`, :pull:`1565`; see also: `pydata/xarray GH/8394 <https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/8394>`_ and ). Many default frequency string outputs have been modified (:
* 'Y' (year) -> 'YE' (year end). (see: `pandas PR/55792 <https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/pull/55792>`_).
* 'M' (month) -> 'ME' (month end). (see: `pandas PR/52064 <https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/pull/52064>`_).
* 'Q' (quarter) -> 'QE' (quarter end). (see: `pandas PR/55553 <https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/pull/55553>`_)
* 'A' and 'AS' have been removed (use 'YE' and 'YS' instead). (see: `pandas PR/55252 <https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/pull/55252>`_). ('YE' is only supported for cftime data in `xarray >= 2024.1.1`).
* 'T' (minute), 'L' (millisecond), 'U' (microsecond), and 'N' (nanosecond) -> 'min', 'ms', 'us', and 'ns'. (see: `pandas PR/54061 <https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/pull/54061>`_).
* `bump2version` has been replaced with `bump-my-version` to bump the version number using configurations set in the ``pyproject.toml`` file. (:issue:`1557`, :pull:`1569`).
* `xclim`'s units registry and units formatting are now extended from `cf-xarray`. The exponent sign "^" is now never added in the ``units`` attribute. For example, square meters are given as "m2" instead of "m^2" by `xclim`. Both signs are still accepted as inputs. (:issue:`1010`, :pull:`1590`).
* `yamale` is now listed as a core dependency (was previously listed in the `dev` installation recipe). (:issue:`1595`, :pull:`1596`).
* Due to a licensing limitation, the calculation of empirical orthogonal function based on `eofs` (``xclim.sdba.properties.first_eof``) has been removed from `xclim`. (:issue:`1620`, :pull:`1621`).
* `black` formatting style has been updated to the 2024 stable conventions. `isort` has been added to the `dev` installation recipe. (:pull:`1626`).
* The indice and indicator for ``winter_storm`` has been removed (deprecated since `xclim>=0.46.0` in favour of ``snd_storm_days``). (:pull:`1565`).
* `xclim` has dropped support for `scipy` versions below v1.9.0 and `numpy` versions below v1.20.0. (:pull:`1565`).
* For generic function ``select_resample_op`` and ``core.units.to_agg_units``, operation "sum" will now return the same units as the input, and not implicitly be translated to an "integral". (:issue:`1645`, :pull:`1649`).
* `lmoments3` was removed as a dependency of `xclim` due to incompatible licensing (GPLv3 vs `xclim`'s Apache 2.0). Depending on the outcome of efforts to modify the licensing of `lmoments3`, this change may eventually be reverted. See `Ouranosinc/lmoments312 <https://github.com/Ouranosinc/lmoments3/issues/12>`_. See also the "frequency analysis" notebook for an example on how to continue using the probability weighted moments method for fitting distributions. (:issue:`1620`, :pull:`1644`).

Bug fixes
* Fixed passing ``missing=0`` to ``xclim.core.calendar.convert_calendar``. (:issue:`1562`, :pull:`1563`).
* Fixed wrong `window` attributes in ``xclim.indices.standardized_precipitation_index``, ``xclim.indices.standardized_precipitation_evapotranspiration_index``. (:issue:`1552` :pull:`1554`).
* Fixed the daily case ``freq='D'`` for ``xclim.stats.preprocess_standardized_index`` (:issue:`1602` :pull:`1607`).
* Several spelling mistakes have been corrected within the documentation and codebase. (:pull:`1576`).
* Added missing ``xclim.ensembles.robustness_fractions`` and ``xclim.ensembles.robustness_categories`` in API doc section. (:pull:`1630`).
* Fixed an issue that can occur when fetching the testing data and running tests on Windows systems. Adapted a few existing tests for Windows support. (:pull:`1648`).

Internal changes
* The `flake8` configuration has been migrated from ``setup.cfg`` to ``.flake8``; ``setup.cfg`` has been removed. (:pull:`1569`)
* The ``bump-version.yml`` workflow has been adjusted to bump the `patch` version when the last version is determined to have been a `release` version; otherwise, the `build` version is bumped. (:issue:`1557`, :pull:`1569`).
* The GitHub Workflows now use the `step-security/harden-runner` action to monitor source code, actions, and dependency safety. All workflows now employ more constrained permissions rule sets to prevent security issues. (:pull:`1577`, :pull:`1578`, :pull:`1597`).
* Updated the ``CONTRIBUTING.rst`` directions to showcase the new versioning system. (:issue:`1557`, :pull:`1573`).
* The `codespell` library is now a development dependency for the `dev` installation recipe with configurations found within ``pyproject.toml``. This is also now a linting step and integrated as a `pre-commit` hook. For more information, see the `codespell documentation <https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell>`_ (:pull:`1576`).
* Climate indicators search page now prioritizes the "official" indicators (atmos, land, seaIce and generic), virtual submodules can be added to search through checkbox option. (:issue:`1559`, :pull:`1593`).
* The OpenSSF StepSecurity bot has contributed some changes to the workflows and pre-commit. (:issue:`1181`, :pull:`1606`):
* Dependabot has been configured to monitor the `xclim` repository for dependency updates. The ``actions-version-updater.yml`` workflow has been deprecated.
* GitHub Actions are now pinned to their commit hashes to prevent unexpected changes in the future.
* A new GitHub Workflow (``workflow-warning.yml``) has been added to warn maintainers when a forked repository has been used to open a Pull Request that modifies GitHub Workflows.
* `pylint` has been configured to provide some overhead checks of the `xclim` codebase as well as run as part of `xclim`'s `pre-commit` hooks.
* Some small adjustments to code organization to address `pylint` errors.
* `dev` formatting tools (`black`, `blackdoc`, `isort`) are now pinned to their `pre-commit` hook version equivalents in both ``pyproject.toml`` and ``tox.ini``. (:pull:`1626`).
* `black`, `isort`, and `pyupgrade` code formatters no longer target Python3.8 coding style conventions. (:pull:`1565`).
* The GitHub Workflows now include builds to run tests against both Windows and MacOS. (:pull:`1648`).
* `prefetch` is now available as a `tox` environment modifier in order to download the testing data before launching `pytest` (e.g. `py3x-prefetch`). This is required for running tests the first time on Windows if the testing data has not already been installed. (:pull:`1648`).
* Removed `step-security/harden-runner` from the `finish` job as it does not work on container images lacking `sudo` access. (:pull:`1655`).


Contributors to this version: Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), David Huard (:user:`huard`), Éric Dupuis (:user:`coxipi`).

* To circumvent issues stemming from changes to the frequency code convention in `pandas` v2.2, we have pinned `xarray` (< 2023.11.0) and `pandas` (< 2.2) for this release. This change will be reverted in `xclim` v0.48.0 to support the newer versions. (`xarray>= 2023.11.0` and `pandas>= 2.2`).
* `xclim` v0.47.0 will be the last release supporting Python3.8.

New features and enhancements
* New functions ``xclim.ensembles.robustness_fractions`` and ``xclim.ensembles.robustness_categories``. The former will replace ``xclim.ensembles.change_significance`` which is now deprecated and will be removed in `xclim` v0.49.0. (:pull:`1514`).
* Added indicator ID to searched terms in the indicator search documentation page. (:issue:`1525`, :pull:`1528`).

Bug fixes
* Fixed a bug with ``n_escore=-1`` in ``xclim.sdba.adjustment.NpdfTransform``. (:issue:`1515`, :pull:`1516`).
* In the documentation, fixed the tooltips in the indicator search results. (:issue:`1524`, :pull:`1527`).
* If chunked inputs are passed to indicators ``mean_radiant_temperature`` and ``potential_evapotranspiration``, sub-calculations of the solar angle will also use the same chunks, instead of a single one of the same size as the data. (:issue:`1536`, :pull:`1542`).
* Fix wrong attributes in ``xclim.indices.standardized_precipitation_index``, ``xclim.indices.standardized_precipitation_evapotranspiration_index``. (:issue:`1537`, :pull:`1538`).

Internal changes
* Pinned `cf-xarray` below v0.8.5 in Python3.8 installation to further extend legacy support. (:pull:`1519`).
* `pip check` in conda builds in GitHub workflows have been temporarily set to always pass. (:pull:`1531`).
* Configure RtD search rankings to emphasize notebooks and indicators over indices and raw source code. (:pull:`1526`).
* Addressed around 100 very basic `mypy` typing errors and call signature errors. (:pull:`1532`).
* Use the intermediate step ``_cumsum_reset_on_zero`` instead of ``rle`` which is sufficient in ``_boundary_run``. (:issue:`1405`, :pull:`1530`).

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