New features and enhancements
* Rewrite of nearly all adjustment methods in ``sdba``, with use of ``xr.map_blocks`` to improve scalability with dask. Rewrite of some parts of the algorithms with numba-accelerated code.
* "GFWED" specifics for fire weather computation implemented back into the FWI module. Outputs are within 3% of GFWED data.
* Addition of the `run_length_ufunc` option to control which run length algorithm gets run. Defaults stay the same (automatic switch dependent of the input array : the 1D version is used with non-dask arrays with less than 9000 points per slice).
* Indicator modules built from YAML can now use custom indices. A mapping or module of them can be given to ``build_indicator_module_from_yaml`` with the ``indices`` keyword.
* Virtual submodules now include an `iter_indicators` function to iterate over the pairs of names and indicator objects in that module.
* The indicator string formatter now accepts a "r" modifier which passes the raw strings instead of the adjective version.
* Addition of the `sdba_extra_output` option to adds extra diagnostic variables to the outputs of Adjustment objects. Implementation of `sim_q` in QuantileDeltaMapping and `nclusters` in ExtremeValues.
Breaking changes
* The `tropical_nights` indice is being deprecated in favour of `tn_days_above` with ``thresh="20 degC"``. The indicator remains valid, now wrapping this new indice.
* Results of ``sdba.Grouper.apply`` for ``Grouper`` without a group (ex: ``Grouper('time')``) will contain a ``group`` singleton dimension.
* The `daily_freezethaw_cycles` indice is being deprecated in favour of ``multiday_temperature_swing`` with temp thresholds at 0 degC and ``window=1, op="sum"``. The indicator remains valid, now wrapping this new indice.
* CMIP6 variable names have been adopted whenever possible in xclim. Changes are:
- ``swe`` is now ``snw`` (``snw`` is the snow amount [kg / m²] and ``swe`` the liquid water equivalent thickness [m])
- ``rh`` is now ``hurs``
- ``dtas`` is now ``tdps``
- ``ws`` (in FWI) is now ``sfcWind``
- ``sic`` is now ``siconc``
- ``area`` (of sea ice indicators) is now ``areacello``
- Indicators ``RH`` and ``RH_FROMDEWPOINT`` have be renamed to ``HURS`` and ``HURS_FROMDEWPOINT``. These are changes in the _identifiers_, the python names (``relative_humidity[...]``) are unchanged.
New indicators
* `atmos.corn_heat_units` computes the daily temperature-based index for corn growth.
* New indices and indicators for `tx_days_below`, `tg_days_above`, `tg_days_below`, and `tn_days_above`.
* `atmos.humidex` returns the Canadian *humidex*, an indicator of perceived temperature account for relative humidity.
* `multiday_temperature_swing` indice for returning general statistics based on spells of doubly-thresholded temperatures (Tmin < T1, Tmax > T2).
* New indicators `atmos.freezethaw_frequency`, `atmos.freezethaw_spell_mean_length`, `atmos.freezethaw_spell_max_length` for statistics of Tmin < 0 degC and Tmax > 0 deg C days now available (wrapped from `multiday_temperature_swing`).
* `atmos.wind_chill_index` computes the daily wind chill index. The default is similar to what Environment and Climate Change Canada does, options are tunable to get the version of the National Weather Service.
Internal Changes
* `run_length.rle_statistics` now accepts a `window` argument.
* Common arguments to the `op` parameter now have better adjective and noun formatting.
* Added and adjusted typing in call signatures and docstrings, with grammar fixes, for many `xclim.indices` operations.
* Added internal function ``aggregate_between_dates`` for array aggregation operations using xarray datetime arrays with start and end DayOfYear values.