
Latest version: v0.55.1

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Contributors to this version: Adrien Lamarche (:user:`LamAdr`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Éric Dupuis (:user:`coxipi`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Sascha Hofmann (:user:`saschahofmann`), David Huard (:user:`huard`).

* `xclim` has now adopted the `Scientific Python SPEC 0 <https://scientific-python.org/specs/spec-0000/>`_ conventions for its suggested dependency support schedule. (:issue:`1914`, :pull:`1915`).
* `xclim` has dropped support for Python 3.9 and adopted Python 3.10+ code styling conventions. (:issue:`1914`, :pull:`1915`).

New indicators
* New ``heat_spell_frequency``, ``heat_spell_max_length`` and ``heat_spell_total_length`` : spell length statistics on a bivariate condition that uses the average over a window by default. (:pull:`1885`, :pull:`1778`).
* New ``hot_spell_max_magnitude`` : yields the magnitude of the most intensive heat wave. (:pull:`1926`).
* New ``chill_portion`` and ``chill_unit`` : chill portion based on the Dynamic Model and chill unit based on the Utah model indicators. (:issue:`1753`, :pull:`1909`).
* New ``water_cycle_intensity`` : yields the sum of precipitation and actual evapotranspiration. (:issue:`410`, :pull:`1947`).

New features and enhancements
* New generic ``xclim.indices.generic.spell_mask`` that returns a mask of which days are part of a spell. Supports multivariate conditions and weights. Used in new generic index ``xclim.indices.generic.bivariate_spell_length_statistics`` that extends ``spell_length_statistics`` to two variables. (:pull:`1885`).
* Indicator parameters can now be assigned a new name, different from the argument name in the compute function. (:pull:`1885`).
* Add attribute ``units_metadata`` to outputs representing a difference between temperatures. This is needed to disambiguate temperature differences from absolute temperature. Changes affect indicators ``daily_temperature_range``, ``daily_temperature_range_variability``, ``extreme_temperature_range``, ``interday_diurnal_temperature_range``, and all degree-day indicators. Implemented using a new ``pint2cfattrs`` function to convert pint units to a dictionary of CF attributes. ``units2pint`` is also modified to support ``units_metadata`` attributes in DataArrays. Some SDBA properties and measures previously returning units of ``delta_degC`` will now return the original input DataArray units accompanied with the ``units_metadata`` attribute. (:issue:`1822`, :pull:`1830`).
* ``xclim.indices.run_length.windowed_max_run_sum`` accumulates positive values across runs and yields the maximum valued run. (:pull:`1926`).
* Helper function ``xclim.indices.helpers.make_hourly_temperature`` to estimate hourly temperatures from daily min and max temperatures. (:pull:`1909`).
* New global option ``resample_map_blocks`` to wrap all ``resample().map()`` code inside a ``xr.map_blocks`` to lower the number of dask tasks. Uses utility ``xclim.indices.helpers.resample_map`` and requires ``flox`` to ensure the chunking allows such block-mapping. Defaults to False. (:pull:`1848`).
* ``xclim.indices.run_length.runs_with_holes`` allows to input a condition that must be met for a run to start and a second condition that must be met for the run to stop. (:pull:`1778`).
* New generic compute function ``xclim.indices.generic.thresholded_events`` that finds events based on a threshold condition and returns basic stats for each. See also: ``xclim.indices.run_length.find_events``. (:pull:`1778`).
* ``xclim.core.units.rate2amount`` and ``xclim.core.units.amount2rate`` can now also accept quantities (pint objects or strings), in which case the ``dim`` argument must be the ``time`` coordinate through which we can find the sampling rate. (:pull:`1778`).
* ``xclim.indices.stats.standardized_index`` now supports a weekly resampling frequency. Only "standard" calendars using `numpy`'s ``datetime64`` dtype are supported for this mode. (:issue:`1892`, :pull:`1952`)

Bug fixes
* Fixed ``rate2amount`` and ``amount2rate`` for sub-daily frequencies. (:issue:`1962`, :pull:`1963`).
* Added the liquid water equivalent thickness ("[length]") to amount ("[mass]/[area]") transformation to the ``hydro`` context (the inverse operation was already there). (:pull:`1963`).
* Fixed a small inefficiency in ``_otc_adjust``, and the `standardize` method of `OTC/dOTC` is now applied on individual variable. (:pull:`1890`, :pull:`1896`).
* Removed deprecated cells in the tutorial notebook ``sdba.ipynb``. (:pull:`1895`).

Breaking changes
* `platformdirs` is no longer a direct dependency of `xclim`, but `pooch` is required to use many of the new testing functions (installable via `pip install pooch` or `pip install 'xclim[dev]'`). (:pull:`1889`).
* The following previously-deprecated functions have now been removed from `xclim` : ``xclim.core.calendar.convert_calendar``, ``xclim.core.calendar.date_range``, ``xclim.core.calendar.date_range_like``, ``xclim.core.calendar.interp_calendar``, ``xclim.core.calendar.days_in_year``, ``xclim.core.calendar.datetime_to_decimal_year``. For guidance on how to migrate to alternatives, see the `version 0.50.0 Breaking changes <v0-50-0-2024-06-17>`_. (:issue:`1010`, :pull:`1845`).
* The `transform` argument of `OTC/dOTC` classes (and child functions) has been changed to `normalization`, and `numIterMax` has been changed to `num_iter_max` in ``xclim.core.utils.optimal_transport`` (:pull:`1896`).
* `xclim` now requires `numpy >=1.23.0` and `scikit-learn >=1.1.0`, as well as (optionally) `ipython >=8.5.0`, `nbsphinx >=0.9.5`, and `matplotlib >=3.6.0`. (:issue:`1914`, :pull:`1915`).

Internal changes
* The `Ouranosinc/xclim-testdata` repository has been restructured for better organization and to make better use of `pooch` and data registries for testing data fetching (see: `xclim-testdata PR/29 <https://github.com/Ouranosinc/xclim-testdata/pull/29>`_). (:pull:`1889`).
* The ``xclim.testing`` module has been refactored to make use of `pooch` with file registries. Several testing functions have been removed as a result: (:pull:`1889`)
* ``xclim.testing.utils.open_dataset`` now uses a `pooch` instance to deliver locally-stored datasets. Its call signature has also changed.
* ``xclim`` now accepts more environment variables to control the behaviour of the testing setup functions. These include ``XCLIM_TESTDATA_BRANCH``, ``XCLIM_TESTDATA_REPO_URL``, and ``XCLIM_TESTDATA_CACHE_DIR``.
* ``xclim.testing.utils.get_file``, ``xclim.testing.utils.get_local_testdata``, ``xclim.testing.utils.list_datasets``, and ``xclim.testing.utils.file_md5_checksum`` have been removed.
* ``xclim.testing.utils.nimbus`` replaces much of this functionality. See the `xclim` documentation for more information.
* Many tests focused on evaluating the normal operation of remote file access tools under ``xclim.testing`` have been removed. (:pull:`1889`).
* Setup and teardown functions that were found under ``tests/conftest.py`` have been optimised to reduce redundant calls when running ``pytest xclim``. Some obsolete `pytest` fixtures have also been removed. (:pull:`1889`).
* Many ``DeprecationWarning`` and ``FutureWarning`` messages emitted from `xarray` and `pint` have been addressed. (:issue:`1719`, :pull:`1881`).
* The code base has been adjusted to address many `pylint`-related warnings and errors. In some cases, `casting` was used to redefine some `numpy` and `xarray` objects. (:issue:`1719`, :pull:`1881`).
* ``xclim.core`` now uses absolute imports for clarity and some objects commonly used in the module have been moved to hidden submodules. (:issue:`1719`, :pull:`1881`).
* ``xclim.core.indicator.Parameter`` has a new attribute ``compute_name`` while ``xclim.core.indicator.Indicator`` lost its ``_variable_mapping``. The translation from parameter (and variable) names in the indicator to the names on the compute function is now handled by ``Indicator._get_compute_args``. (:pull:`1885`).
* Adopted many linting and formatting suggestions from the Scientific Python `repo-review <https://github.com/scientific-python/repo-review>`_ tool: (:pull:`1910`)
* Applied several linting suggestions adopted by the `scipy` community.
* Replaced `isort` with `ruff`-based import-sorting formatting.
* Added formatting for `Markdown` files.
* Added the `bugbear`, `pyupgrade` checks to the `ruff` formatter.
* Adjusted `mypy` checks to be more standardized.
* Renamed annual deprecated frequency alias `"A"` to `"Y"` (:pull:`1930`).
* The ``indices`` documentation now includes the members of ``xclim.indices.stats``. (:issue:`1913`, :pull:`1958`).
* The default URL for fetching testing data is now set to the ``raw.githubusercontent.com`` mirror of `xclim-testdata`. (:pull:`1961`).
* The ``upstream`` `tox` environment has been updated to not install the latest `numpy` until `numba` supports it. (:pull:`1961`).

CI changes
* The `pip` cache, `tox` environments, and the `xclim-testdata` cache are now saved between workflow runs (using `actions/cache`) to reduce the time spent installing dependencies and downloading testing data. (:pull:`1906`).


Contributors to this version: Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`).

Bug fixes
* Fixed ``decimal_year`` import, fixed functions ``rate2amount``, ``amount2rate``, ``time_bnds`` and ``stack_periods`` for `xarray` version 2024.09.0. Removed ``datetime_to_decimal_year`` as the mirrored `xarray` function was replaced by ``ds.time.dt.decimal_year``. (:pull:`1920`).


Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`).

Bug fixes
* Adjusted the required base version of `pyarrow` to be `v10.0.1` to address an environment resolution error on conda-forge. (:pull:`1918`).


Contributors to this version: David Huard (:user:`huard`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Hui-Min Wang (:user:`Hem-W`), Éric Dupuis (:user:`coxipi`), Sarah Gammon (:user:`SarahG-579462`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Adrien Lamarche (:user:`LamAdr`).

* `xclim` now supports both `numpy` versions `>=1.20` and `>=2.0`. (:issue:`1785`, :pull:`1814`, :pull:`1870`).
* `xclim` now needs ``cf_xarray>=0.9.3`` but continues to support older versions of `pint` (`<0.24`) for compatibility reasons. (:pull:`1870`).

New features and enhancements
* ``xclim.sdba.nbutils.quantile`` and its child functions are now faster. If the `fastnanquantile` library is installed, it is used as the backend for the computation of quantiles and yields even faster results. This dependency is now listed in the `xclim[extras]` recipe. (:issue:`1255`, :pull:`1513`).
* New multivariate bias adjustment class ``MBCn``, giving a faster and more accurate implementation of the ``MBCn`` algorithm. (:issue:`1551`, :pull:`1580`).
* New multivariate bias adjustment classes ``OTC`` and ``dOTC``. Requires the `POT` library which can be installed via the `xclim[extras]` recipe. (:pull:`1787`).
* `xclim` is now compatible with `pytest` versions `>=8.0.0`. (:pull:`1632`).

Breaking changes
* As of ``cf_xarray>=0.9.3``, dimensionless quantities now use the ``"1"`` units attribute as specified by the CF conventions, previously an empty string was returned. (:pull:`1814`).
* The definitions of the ``frost_free_season_start`` and ``frost_free_season_end`` have been slightly changed to be coherent with the ``frost_free_season_length`` and `xclim`'s notion of ``season`` in general. Indicator and indices signature have been adapted to the new conventions. (:pull:`1845`).
* Season length indicators have been modified to return ``0`` for all cases where a proper season was not found, but the data is valid. Previously, a ``nan`` was given if neither a start nor an end were found, even if the data was valid, and a ``0`` was given if an end was found but without a valid start. (:pull:`1845`).

Bug fixes
* Fixed the indexer bug in the ``xclim.indices.standardized_index_fit_params`` when multiple or non-array indexers are specified and fitted parameters are reloaded from netCDF. (:issue:`1842`, :pull:`1843`).
* Addressed a bug found in ``wet_spell_*`` indicators that was contributing to erroneous results. A new generic spell length statistic function (``xclim.indices.generic.spell_length_statistics``) is now used in wet and dry spells indicators. (:issue:`1834`, :pull:`1838`).
* Syntax for ``nan`` and ``inf`` was adapted to support `numpy>=2.0`. (:pull:`1814`, :issue:`1785`).
* The type in ``jitter`` now works with modern version of `dask` (`>=2024.8.0`). (:pull:`1864`).

Internal changes
* Changed the French translation of "wet days" from "jours mouillés" to "jours pluvieux". (:issue:`1825`, :pull:`1826`).
* In order to adapt to changes in `pytest`, the doctest fixtures have been split from the main testing suite and doctests are now run using ``$ python -c 'from xclim.testing.utils import run_doctests; run_doctests()'``. (:pull:`1632`).
* `tox` has been reconfigured to run doctests in a separate environment (``tox -e doctests``). (:pull:`1632`).
* Added ``xclim.indices.generic.season`` to make season start, end, and length indices. Added a ``stat`` argument to ``xclim.indices.run_length.season`` to avoid returning a dataset. (:pull:`1845`).

CI changes
* `pip-tools` (`pip-compile`) has been used to generate a lock file with hashes for the CI dependencies. (:pull:`1841`).
* The ``main.yml`` workflow has been updated to use simpler trigger logic. (:pull:`1841`).
* A workflow bug has been fixed that was causing multiple duplicate comments to be made on Pull Requests originating from forks. (:pull:`1841`).
* The ``upstream.yml`` workflow was adapted to not install upstream Python dependencies using hashes (as it is impossible to install directly from GitHub sources using ``--require-hashes``). (:pull:`1859`).
* The `tox-gh` configuration has been set to handle the environment configurations on GitHub Workflows. The tox.ini file is also a bit more organized/consistent. (:pull:`1859`).


Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`).

New features and enhancements
* Added the `op` keyword to the `growing_season_{start|end}` indices and indicators, allowing for customizable threshold operators using `indices.generic.compare()`. (:issue:`1794`, :pull:`1796`).
* `xclim` now separates the optional dependencies into `dev` and `docs` recipes. Both can be installed with the `all` option (`$ python -m pip install xclim[all]`). (:pull:`1806`).

Bug fixes
* Units of degree-days computations with Fahrenheit input fixed to yield "°R d". Added a new ``xclim.core.units.ensure_absolute_temperature`` method to convert from delta to absolute temperatures. (:issue:`1789`, :pull:`1804`).
* Clarified a typo in the docstring formula for `xclim.indices.growing_season_length`. (:pull:`1796`).

Internal changes
* `netcdf4` has been pinned below v1.7 for test stability reasons. (:pull:`1791`).
* `flake8-bandit`-like checks have been enabled via `ruff`, with fixes for a few security-related issues. (:pull:`1806`).
* ``xclim.testing.utils`` now employs more secure URL auditing checks. (:pull:`1806`).
* `CHANGES.rst` has been renamed to `CHANGELOG.rst`, adhering to suggestions from the `keepachangelog v.1.1.0 <https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/>`_ specifications. (:pull:`1823`).

CI changes
* GitHub repository now uses Rulesets for branch protection. (:pull:`1790`).
* Version bumping and project triage is now handled by the Ouranos Helper GitHub App. (:pull:`1790`).
* `bump-my-version` has been updated to v0.23.0. (:pull:`1790`).
* The Ouranos Helper GitHub App now provides verified commits. (:issue:`1811`, :pull:`1812`).
* Added the `deptry <https://github.com/fpgmaas/deptry>`_ package to the `dev` linter tools and linting workflows for performing dependency analyses. (:pull:`1806`).
* Several linting tools have been updated to the latest versions and pinned. (:pull:`1806`).


Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Éric Dupuis (:user:`coxipi`).

New features and enhancements
* New properties: Bivariate Spell Length (``xclim.sdba.properties.bivariate_spell_length``), Generalized Spell Lengths with an argument for `window`, and Specific Spell Lengths with `window` fixed to '1' (``xclim.sdba.properties.threshold_count``, ``xclim.sdba.properties.bivariate_threshold_count``). (:pull:`1758`).
* New option `normalize` in ``sdba.measures.taylordiagram`` to obtain normalized Taylor Diagrams (divide standard deviations by standard deviation of the reference). (:pull:`1764`).

Breaking changes
* `pint` has been pinned below v0.24 until `xclim` can be updated to support the latest version. (:issue:`1771`, :pull:`1772`).
* `numpy` has been pinned below v2.0.0 until `xclim` can be updated to support the latest version. (:pull:`1783`).
* Calendar utilities that have an equivalent in `xarray` have been deprecated and will be removed in `xclim` v0.51.0. (:issue:`1010`, :pull:`1761`). This concerns the following members of ``xclim.core.calendar``:
- ``convert_calendar`` : Use ``Dataset.convert_calendar``, ``DataArray.convert_calendar`` or ``xr.coding.calendar_ops.convert_calendar`` instead.
+ If your code passes ``target`` as an array, first convert the source to the target's calendar and then reindex the result to ``target``.
+ If you were using the ``doy=True`` option, replace it with ``xc.core.calendar.convert_doy(source, target_cal).convert_calendar(target_cal)``.
+ ``"default"`` is no longer a valid calendar name for any xclim functions and will not be returned by ``get_calendar``. Xarray has a ``use_cftime`` argument, xclim exposes it when the distinction is needed.
- ``date_range`` : Use ``xarray.date_range`` instead.
- ``date_range_like``: Use ``xarray.date_range_like`` instead.
- ``interp_calendar`` : Use ``Dataset.interp_calendar`` or ``xarray.coding.calendar_ops.interp_calendar`` instead.
- ``days_in_year`` : Use ``xarray.coding.calendar_ops._days_in_year`` instead.
- ``datetime_to_decimal_year`` : Use ``xarray.coding.calendar_ops._datetime_to_decimal_year`` instead.

Internal changes
* Synchronized tooling versions across ``pyproject.toml`` and ``tox.ini`` and pinned them to the latest stable releases in GitHub Workflows. (:pull:`1744`).
* Fixed a few small spelling and grammar issues that were causing errors with `codespell`. Now ignoring `SVG` files. (:pull:`1769`).
* Temporarily skipping the ``test_hawkins_sutton_smoke`` test due to strange behaviour with `xarray`. (:pull:`1769`).
* Fixed some previously uncaught errors raised from recent versions of `pylint` and `codespell`. (:pull:`1772`).
* Set the `doctest` examples to all use `h5netcdf` with worker-separated caches to load datasets. (:pull:`1772`).

Bug fixes
* ``xclim.indices.{cold|hot}_spell_total_length`` now properly uses the argument `window` to only count spells with at least `window` time steps. (:issue:`1765`, :pull:`1777`).
* Addressed an error in ``xclim.ensembles._filters._concat_hist`` where remnants of a scenario selection were not being dropped properly. (:pull:`1780`).

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