Contributors to this version: Abel Aoun (:user:`bzah`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), David Huard (:user:`huard`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Travis Logan (:user:`tlogan2000`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`).
New indicators
* ``thawing_degree_days`` indicator returns degree-days above a default of `thresh="0 degC"`. (:pull:`895`, :issue:`887`).
* ``freezing_degree_days`` indicator returns degree-days below a default of `thresh="0 degC"`. (:pull:`895`, :issue:`887`).
* Several frost-free season calculations are now available as both indices and indicators. (:pull:`895`, :issue:`887`):
- ``frost_free_season_start``
- ``frost_free_season_end``
- ``frost_free_season_length``
* ``growing_season_start`` is now offered as an indice and as an indicator to complement other growing season-based indicators (threshold calculation with `op=">="`). (:pull:`895`, :issue:`887`).
New features and enhancements
* Improve cell_methods checking to search the wanted method within the whole string. (:pull:`866`, :issue:`863`).
* New ``align_on='random`` option for ``xclim.core.calendar.convert_calendar``, for conversions involving '360_day' calendars. (:pull:`875`, :issue:`841`).
* ``dry_spell_frequency`` now has a parameter `op: {"sum", "max"}` to choose if the threshold is compared against the accumulated or maximal precipitation, over the given window. (:pull:`879`).
* ``maximum_consecutive_frost_free_days`` is now checking that the minimum temperature is above or equal to the threshold ( instead of only above). (:pull:`883`, :issue:`881`).
* The ANUCLIM virtual module has been updated to accept weekly and monthly inputs and with improved metadata. (:pull:`885`, :issue:`538`)
* The ``sdba.loess`` algorithm has been optimized to run faster in all cases, with an even faster special case (``equal_spacing=True``) when the x coordinate is equally spaced. When activated, this special case might return results different from without, up to around 0.1%. (:pull:`865`).
* Add support for group's window and additional dimensions in ``LoessDetrend``. Add new ``RollingMeanDetrend`` object. (:pull:`865`).
* Missing value algorithms now try to infer the source timestep of the input data when it is not given. (:pull:`885`).
* On indices, `bootstrap` parameter documentation has been updated to explain when and why it should be used. (:pull:`893`, :issue:`846`).
Breaking changes
* Major changes in the YAML schema for virtual submodules, now closer to how indicators are declared dynamically, see the doc for details. (:pull:`849`, :issue:`848`).
* Removed ``xclim.generic.daily_downsampler``, as it served no purpose now that xarray's resampling works with cftime (:pull:`888`, :issue:`889`).
* Refactor of ``xclim.core.calendar.parse_offset``, output types were changed to useful ones (:pull:`885`).
* Major changes on how parameters are passed to indicators. (:pull:`873`):
- Their signature is now consistent : input variables (DataArrays, optional or not) are positional or keyword arguments and all other parameters are keyword only. (:issue:`855`, :issue:`857`)
- Some indicators have modified signatures because we now rename variables when wrapping generic indices. This is the case for the whole cf module, for example.
- ``Indicator.parameters`` is now a property generated from ``Indicator._all_parameters``, as the latter includes the injected parameters. The keys of the former are instances of new ``xclim.core.indicator.Parameter``, and not dictionaries as before.
- New ``Indicator.injected_parameters`` to see which compute function arguments will be injected at call time.
- See the pull request (:pull:`873`) for all information.
* The call signature for ``huglin_index`` has been modified to reflect the correct variables used in its formula (`tasmin` -> `tas`; `thresh_tasmin` -> `thresh`). (:pull:`903`, :issue:`902`).
Internal changes
* Pull Request contributions now require hyperlinks to the issue and pull request pages on GitHub listed alongside changess in HISTORY.rst. (:pull:`860`, :issue:`854`).
* Updated the contribution guidelines to better give credit to contributors and more easily track changes. (:pull:`869`, :issue:`868`).
* Enabled coveralls code coverage reporting for GitHub CI. (:pull:`870`).
* Added automated TestPyPI and PyPI-publishing workflows for GitHub CI. (:pull:`872`).
* Changes on how indicators are constructed. (:pull:`873`).
* Added missing algorithms tests for conversion from hourly to daily. (:pull:`888`).
* Updated pre-commit hooks to use black v21.10.b0. (:pull:`896`).
* Moved ``stack_variables``, ``unstack_variables``, ``construct_moving_yearly_window`` and ``unpack_moving_yearly_window`` from ``xclim.sdba.base`` to ``xclim.sdba.processing``. They still are imported in ``xclim.sdba`` as before. (:pull:`892`).
* Many improvements to the documentation. (:pull:`892`, :issue:`880`).
* Added regex replacement handling in setup.py to facilitate publishing contributor/contribution links on PyPI. (:pull:`906`).
Bug fixes
* Fix a bug in bootstrapping where computation would fail when the dataset time coordinate is encoded using `cftime.datetime`. (:pull:`859`).
* Fix a bug in ``build_indicator_module_from_yaml`` where bases classes (Daily, Hourly, etc) were not usable with the `base` field. (:pull:`885`).
* ``percentile_doy`` alpha and beta parameters are now properly transmitted to bootstrap calls of this function. (:pull:`893`, :issue:`846`).
* When called with a 1D da and ND index, ``xclim.indices.run_length.lazy_indexing`` now drops the auxiliary coordinate corresponding to da's index. This fixes a bug with ND data in ``xclim.indices.run_length.season``. (:pull:`900`).
* Fix name of heating degree days in French (`"chauffe"` -> "`chauffage`"). (:pull:`895`).
* Corrected several French indicator translation description strings (bad usages of `"."` in `description` and `long_name` fields). (:pull:`895`).
* Fixed an error with the formula for ``huglin_index`` where `tasmin` was being used in the calculation instead of `tas`. (:pull:`903`, :issue:`902`).