Python * fix unset noise distribution when automatically generating observables in case None are passed (691)
Not secure
C++ - Add SuperLUMT support (681) - Sparsified dJydy (686) - Enabled support of impulse-free events for DAE models (687) - thanks to Sebastien Sten for providing a testcase for this
Python - Enabled support for piecewise functions in SBML import (662) - Fix numeric type when constructing ExpData from Dataframes (690) - Fix dynamic override in PETab
Not secure
Bugfix release
Doc - Update documentation of Windows installation
C++ - Fix missing source files in CMakeLists.txt (658) - Set CMake policies to prevent warnings (Closes 676) (677) - Start using gsl::span instead of raw pointers (393) (678)
Python - PySB parsing fix (669) - Fix failure to propagate BLAS_LIBS contents (665) - Require setuptools at setup (673) - Updated PEtab import to allow for different noise models
Not secure
Features / improvements:
* Implement ReturnData and ExpData wrappers as more efficient views (657) * Add list of references using AMICI (659) * Custom llh (normal/laplace, lin/log/log10) (656)
+ Speedup and fix travis build
Not secure
Features / improvements:
- adds the option for early termination on integration failures for runAmiciSimulations - improve runtime of `SUNMatrixWrapper::mutliply` - expose finite difference routines in public API - enable parallel compilation of clib source files
- fixed symbolic processing for unreleased pysb features