- extended `ExpData` interface to allow for condition specific parameters, parameter scales, parameter lists, initial conditions and initial condition sensitivities.
- fixed output values of `ReturnData::x_ss` and `ReturnData::sx_ss`
Not secure
* travis-ci.com migration * fix problem with has{variable} functions * allow to import sbml model from string, not only file
Not secure
Features / improvements:
- updated sundials to 4.1.0 - updated SuiteSparse to 5.4.0 - added generic implementations for symbolic expressions that were sparse matrix vector products
- fixed return value of `rz` when no data is provided.
Not secure
Features / improvements:
- allow python installations without compilation of c++ extension - improvements to ExpData <-> pandas.DataFrame interface - allow generation of matlab models from python - implement CLI interface for PEtab - improve computation time for conservation laws from pysb import
- Fix sign in undamped Newton step.
- use newer CI images
Not secure
Minor fixes only: - fix(core) Get solver diagnostics for first(last) timepoint (588) (Closes 586) - fix(ci) Fix autodeploy (Closes 589)
**CRITICAL FIXES** - **fix(python) fix symbolic computations for adjoint (583)**
**Features** - feature(python) Check for matching AMICI versions when importing model (Closes 556). Set exact AMICI version as model package requirement. - feature(core) Add option to rethrow AMICI exception (Closes 552) - feature(python) Redirect C/C++ output in stdout is redirected (e.g. in ipython notebooks) (Closes 456)
**Minor fixes** - fix(python) Fix doc and rename sys_pipes to something more meaningful - fix(ci) Fix premature exit of scripts/runNotebook.sh - fix(deploy) Update pyenv shims to find twine