* Added a new [section of tutorials](https://www.blosc.org/python-blosc2/getting_started/tutorials.html) for a quick get start.
* Added a new [section on how to cite Blosc](https://github.com/Blosc/python-blosc2/tree/main#citing-blosc).
* New method `interchunks_info` for `SChunk` and `NDArray` classes.
This iterates through chunks for getting meta info, like decompression ratio, whether the chunk is special or not, among others. For more information on how this works see [this example](https://github.com/Blosc/python-blosc2/blob/main/examples/ndarray/iterchunks_info.py).
* Now it is possible to register a dynamic plugin by passing `None` as the `encoder` and `decoder` arguments in the [register_codec](https://www.blosc.org/python-blosc2/reference/autofiles/top_level/blosc2.register_codec.html#blosc2.register_codec) function.
* Make shape of scalar slices NDArray objects to follow NumPy conventions. See [117](https://github.com/Blosc/python-blosc2/issues/117).
* Updated to latest C-Blosc2 2.9.3.