* A new `usermeta` chunk in `schunk` allows to store arbitrary meta-information
that is up to the user. If the `schunk` has an attached `frame`, the later
will be updated accordingly too. For more info, see PR 74 and docstrings of
new `blosc2_update_usermeta()` and `blosc2_get_usermeta()` functions.
* Metalayers must now be attached to super-chunks, not frames. The reason is
that frames are increasingly treated as a storage specifier (in-memory or
disk now, but can be other means in the future), whereas the actual API for
I/O (including metainfo) goes into super-chunks. See PR 75.
* New frame format documented in
[README_FRAME_FORMAT.rst](README_FRAME_FORMAT.rst). Remember that the frame
format is not written in stone yet, so some changes may be introduced before
getting out of beta.
* BREAKING CHANGE: the format for frames has changed and
BLOSC2_VERSION_FRAME_FORMAT is now set to 1. There is no attempt to support
previous formats, but there will probably be backward compatibility support
starting from version 1 on.
* BREAKING CHANGE: the next APIs have been renamed:
+ blosc2_frame_has_metalayer -> blosc2_has_metalayer
+ blosc2_frame_add_metalayer -> blosc2_add_metalayer
+ blosc2_frame_update_metalayer -> blosc2_update_metalayer
+ blosc2_frame_metalayer -> blosc2_get_metalayer
Although the API was declared stable in beta.1, the fact that metalayers are
attached now to super-chunks directly, made this change completely necessary.
* BREAKING CHANGE: the next symbols have been renamed: