* bytedelta filter has been fixed. For backward compatibility, the old
bytedelta filter is still available as `BLOSC_FILTER_BYTEDELTA_BUGGY`
symbol, with the same ID (34) than before. The new, fixed bytedelta
filter has received a new ID (35) and it can be used via the usual
`BLOSC_FILTER_BYTEDELTA` symbol. That means that old data written with
the buggy bytedelta filter should be decompressed without issues.
Thanks to foody (Tom Birch) for the fix. See 531, 532 for more info.
* Filter buffers are correctly cycled now. Now it is possible to use e.g.
shuffle and bitshuffle filters in the pipeline. Thanks to foody (Tom Birch)
for the fix. See 528 and PR 530.
* Assorted fixes for allowing better inclusion in external projects.
Thanks to ax3l (Axel Huebel). See 525, 527 and 529.
* Minor fixes in the documentation. Thanks to ivilata (Ivan Vilata).
See 523.