CodeChecker failed to build on Ubuntu 22.04 in its previous release because of two issues: some of our dependencies broke with the release of python3.9, and we didn't support GNU Make-s new way of creating build jobs. These issues are all fixed now, so CodeChecker should work with the latest version of python and GNU Make!
:bug: Analyzer improvements
* Ignore some gcc flags (`-fno-lifetime-dse`3913, `-Wno-error`, `-fprofile` 3937, 3941)
* We do these kinds of patches reguarly when a gcc flag is not supported by our main analyzer, clang.
* Disable cppcheck-preprocessorErrorDirective explicitly 3902
* Cppcheck analyzer results compilation errors due to less granular configuration of the build environment. This results too many false-positive reports, so this checker is disabled by default.
* Fix exception in Spotbugs report-converter (`report-converter` crashed when `SourceLine` has no `source_path` attribute) 3917
* Fix crash when an assembler command is analyzed 3914
* Logger-related changes
* Recognize and capture `linux_spawn` alongside `exec*` calls in the logger 3930
* Use absolute path to `` in `LD_PRELOAD` 3919
* CodeChecker logger is using the `LD_PRELOAD` environment variable where `` was set with a relative path. Due to the relative path `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` has to be set too. However, this latter environment variable is overridden by the build systems many times. So CodeChecker uses an absolute path in `LD_PRELOAD` and eliminates the usage of `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`.
* Adapt to new clang-tidy checker options format. 3934
* Enable multiple inputs for report-converter 3897
* Introduce sanitizer checker names 3904
* Exclude dynamic parts of checker message in hash generation 3927
* Analysis shouldn't fail on non-existing directory 3943
* report-converter: Parse all leaks reported by LeakSanitizer 3750
:computer: CLI/Server improvements
* [fix][server] Fix webapp crash when using component filter 3887
* [bugfix] Fix the zombie process issue 3895
* 6.22.1 highlights 3888
* [GUI] Add a tooltip about Diff 3890
* [cmd] Warning message on no run delete. 3915
* [GUI] Pop the call stack when the message starts with "Returning;" 3948
* Fix local local diff src code suppression 3944
:deciduous_tree: Environment
* [test] Get rid of mockldap 3894
* [req] Upgrade `lxml` to `4.9.2` 3896
* [fix] One more attempt to fix gui tests 3911
* Bump GitPython version 3841
* [ci] Remove pypi actions from pullrequest and push events. 3912
* Update Snapstore publish action 3891
* [fix] Fix newly surfaced gui test error during cleanup plan testing 3920
* [test][NFC] Change from nose to pytest (analyzer library) 3926
* [test][NFC] Change from nose to pytest (tools library) 3931
* [test][NFC] Change from nose to pytest (web library) 3932
* [test][NFC] Remove every remaining trace of nose in favor of pytest 3933
* [env] Upgrade PyYAML to version 6.0 3942
* [test] Allow additional pytest args to be given through make targets 3935
:book: Documentation updates
* [config] Additional clang-diagnostic documentations 3922
:hammer: Other
* [doc] Make every second release highlight green 3882
* [version] Bump up to version 6.23.0 3893
* Makefile: package_gerrit_skiplist should depend on package_dir_structure 3901
* [NFC] Factor args out of the diff logic for unit tests 3863
* [refactor] Reducing analyzer config handler 3824
* [test] Add missing tests for cmdline diffing, and display a bug for tag diffs 3868
* Error message: Add a missing space 3953
* Fix a Pylint false positive with python3.9 or later 3925
**Full Changelog**: