
Latest version: v6.23.1

Safety actively analyzes 639693 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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CodeChecker failed to build on Ubuntu 22.04 in its previous release because of two issues: some of our dependencies broke with the release of python3.9, and we didn't support GNU Make-s new way of creating build jobs. These issues are all fixed now, so CodeChecker should work with the latest version of python and GNU Make!

:bug: Analyzer improvements
* Ignore some gcc flags (`-fno-lifetime-dse`3913, `-Wno-error`, `-fprofile` 3937, 3941)
* We do these kinds of patches reguarly when a gcc flag is not supported by our main analyzer, clang.
* Disable cppcheck-preprocessorErrorDirective explicitly 3902
* Cppcheck analyzer results compilation errors due to less granular configuration of the build environment. This results too many false-positive reports, so this checker is disabled by default.
* Fix exception in Spotbugs report-converter (`report-converter` crashed when `SourceLine` has no `source_path` attribute) 3917
* Fix crash when an assembler command is analyzed 3914
* Logger-related changes
* Recognize and capture `linux_spawn` alongside `exec*` calls in the logger 3930
* Use absolute path to `` in `LD_PRELOAD` 3919
* CodeChecker logger is using the `LD_PRELOAD` environment variable where `` was set with a relative path. Due to the relative path `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` has to be set too. However, this latter environment variable is overridden by the build systems many times. So CodeChecker uses an absolute path in `LD_PRELOAD` and eliminates the usage of `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`.
* Adapt to new clang-tidy checker options format. 3934
* Enable multiple inputs for report-converter 3897
* Introduce sanitizer checker names 3904
* Exclude dynamic parts of checker message in hash generation 3927
* Analysis shouldn't fail on non-existing directory 3943
* report-converter: Parse all leaks reported by LeakSanitizer 3750

:computer: CLI/Server improvements
* [fix][server] Fix webapp crash when using component filter 3887
* [bugfix] Fix the zombie process issue 3895
* 6.22.1 highlights 3888
* [GUI] Add a tooltip about Diff 3890
* [cmd] Warning message on no run delete. 3915
* [GUI] Pop the call stack when the message starts with "Returning;" 3948
* Fix local local diff src code suppression 3944

:deciduous_tree: Environment
* [test] Get rid of mockldap 3894
* [req] Upgrade `lxml` to `4.9.2` 3896
* [fix] One more attempt to fix gui tests 3911
* Bump GitPython version 3841
* [ci] Remove pypi actions from pullrequest and push events. 3912
* Update Snapstore publish action 3891
* [fix] Fix newly surfaced gui test error during cleanup plan testing 3920
* [test][NFC] Change from nose to pytest (analyzer library) 3926
* [test][NFC] Change from nose to pytest (tools library) 3931
* [test][NFC] Change from nose to pytest (web library) 3932
* [test][NFC] Remove every remaining trace of nose in favor of pytest 3933
* [env] Upgrade PyYAML to version 6.0 3942
* [test] Allow additional pytest args to be given through make targets 3935

:book: Documentation updates
* [config] Additional clang-diagnostic documentations 3922

:hammer: Other
* [doc] Make every second release highlight green 3882
* [version] Bump up to version 6.23.0 3893
* Makefile: package_gerrit_skiplist should depend on package_dir_structure 3901
* [NFC] Factor args out of the diff logic for unit tests 3863
* [refactor] Reducing analyzer config handler 3824
* [test] Add missing tests for cmdline diffing, and display a bug for tag diffs 3868
* Error message: Add a missing space 3953
* Fix a Pylint false positive with python3.9 or later 3925

**Full Changelog**:


* [doc] Fix documentation URL in highlights page by bruntib in

**Full Changelog**:


CodeChecker checkers |grep clang-diagnostic-varargs -A7
---> Status: disabled <---
Analyzer: clang-tidy

Major fixes to run/tag comparisons (diff)

Following a thorough survey, we identified numerous areas to improve on our run/tag comparisons. We landed several patches to improve the results of diffs both on the CLI and the web GUI (which should be almost always identical). Despite that this feature has the appearance of a simple set operation, diff is a powerful tool that can express a lot of properties on the state of your codebase, and has a few intricacies. For this reason, we also greatly improved [our docs]( around it.

A detailed description of the issues are described in this ticket:

One example is that the if the suppression was removed for a finding, the diff did not show the reappearing result as new (in local/local diff):

// Code version 1:
void c() {
int i = 0; // deadstore, this value is never read
// codechecker_suppress [all] SUPPRESS ALL
i = 5;

// Code version 2 (suppression removed):

void c() {
int i = 0; // deadstore, this value is never read
i = 5;

CodeChecker diff -b version1.c -n version2.c --new
Did not show the deadstore finding as new.

Web GUI improvements

We landed several patches to improve the readability and usability of the GUI, with more improvements to come in later releases! The currently selected event's visual highlight pops a little more now in the report view, and we no longer show unused columns in the run view.

In this image, you can see how much the selected event "pops" after this release, and also, how other events' opacity was a lowered a bit, which allows arrows to be seen through them.

2) In the report detail page, outstanding and closed issues are clearly organized into a left tree view. So it will be easier to see which report needs more attention (fixing or triaging).


Report limit for storing to the server

Especially in the case of clang-tidy, we have observed some unreasonable number of reports by certain checkers. In some instances, we saw hundreds of thousands (!) of reports reported by some individual checkers, and its more than unlikely that anyone will inspect these reports individually (you probably got the message about using parantheses around macros after the first 15 000 reports).

We found that these checkers were usually enabled by mistake, and put unnecessary strain both on the storage of results to the server, and on the database once stored. Moving forward, CodeChecker servers will reject stores of runs that have more than 500 000 reports. This limit is a default value that you can change or even set to unlimited. Our intent is not to discourage legitemately huge stores, only those that are whose size is likely this large by mistake.

When creating a new product called `My product` at [endpoint]( `myproduct`, you can set the report limit from the CLI with the following invocation:
CodeChecker cmd products add -n "My product" --report-limit 1000000 myproduct

For an already existing product, you can change the limit by clicking the pencil at the products page:

:exclamation: Backward incompatible changes

* [analyzer] Promote the missing analyzer warning to an error 3997
* If analyzers are specified with `--analyzers` flag and one of them is missing, CodeChecker now emits an error.
* Previously, the user could only specify the analyzers without version number e.g.: `CodeChecker analyze compile_commands.json -o reports --analyzers clangsa`
* Now, you can also validate the analyzer's version number e.g.: `CodeChecker analyze compile_commands.json -o reports --analyzers clangsa==14.0.0`
* In both cases, if a wrong analyzer was given, the system exit would trigger.

`--all` and `--details` were deprecated for `CodeChecker analyzers`

With the introduction of the GCC Static Analyzer, we think that the `--all` flag was more confusing than useful -- its a reasonable assumption that any system will have a version of GCC available. The default behaviour prior to this release was to only list analyzers that were _available_ for analysis: the binary was found, met the version criteria, and was functional. The `--all` flag listed all _supported_ analyzers, even if they were not _available_. We changed the default behaviour to always list all _supported_ checkers, and `--all` is ignored. We emit helpful warnings for analyzers that CodeChecker supports, but can't analyze with.

`--details` could be used to print additional version information of the binary, but we didn't feel like it provided any value above what the non-detailed query gave, and it was impossible to pretty print. After this release, this flag will also be ignored.

:bug: Analyzer improvements

* Replaced the multiprocessing library with multiprocess. This resolved issues in multiprocess library usage on different platforms but mostly on OSX. Added in
* Fixing a crash when CC_ANALYZERS_FROM_PATH env variable is set in
* Corrected a bug about the --enable-all flag not disabling specific warnings in 4080 by bruntib
* Fixed non-determinism in the appearance of clang-tidy checkers.
* Prevented duplicate addition of extra arguments in cppcheck.
* Resolved an issue with the AnalyzerContext lazy initialization.
* [fix] Recognize -pthread for gcc compile commands
* [bugfix] Allow the disabling of statisticsbased checkers
* [bugfix] Include platform to `` path
* [analyzer] Ignore another unknown gcc options
* [report-converter] Support sarif format and Gcc analyzer
* **Gcc analyzer native support**
* [clang-tidy] Fix Clang tidy checker option output
* [analyzer] Add support the CC_ANALYZER_BIN env var

:computer: CLI/Server improvements
* [fix] An error was fixed when loading the report in the report view that caused the review status dropdown menu's value to fail to update when switching to a report with a different status. Fixed in in by cservakt
* Eliminate "unknown" checker state
* **[bugfix] Don't trigger analyzer without enabled checkers**
* [fix] Refine when a report is regarded as outstanding for tags
* [cmd] Fix FP annotations in the case of local-remote diffs
* [diff] Fix a CLI remote-remote bug where we checked the detection status
* [cmd][diff] Ignore detection status for tags
* [gui] Update run filter when setting the filter options
* replace os.uname() with platform.uname() for Windows support
* [feat] Introduce review status config file
* [fix][clang-tidy] Fix env var replace for extra args
* [enhancement] --cppcheckargs flag was missing
* feat(store): Explicitly time the client out if the connection hung
* **[server] Rate limit based on report count**
* [analyzers] Deprecate --all and --details for analyzers
* Parse file speed up

:deciduous_tree: Environment
* [req] Upgrade PyYAML to 6.0.1
* [test] Fix package test
* [check actions] setting GITHUB_TOKEN permissions to read
* Create
* [db] Eliminating duplicate key constraint violations
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.30 to 3.1.32 in /web
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.30 to 3.1.32 in /web/requirements_py/dev
* Bump cryptography from 3.3.2 to 41.0.3 in /web/requirements_py/dev
* Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump webpack from 5.66.0 to 5.76.0 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump loader-utils from 1.2.3 to 1.4.2 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.32 to 3.1.34 in /web/requirements_py/dev
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.32 to 3.1.34 in /web
* Bump cryptography from 41.0.3 to 41.0.4 in /web/requirements_py/dev
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.34 to 3.1.35 in /web
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.34 to 3.1.35 in /web/requirements_py/dev

:book: Documentation updates
* The issue with building ReadTheDocs has been rectified. You can view the latest docs here:
In addition, we have implemented modifications to the PyPI action in order for a more reliable package publishing by vodorok
* Add more checks from clang-tidy
* [config] Add some checkers to "default" profile
* Document new clang-tidy checkers
* chore(config): Add labels for new checks of Clang SA & Tidy
* fix typo: 'hte' to 'the'

:hammer: Other
* [docs] Leave a better TODO for gcc docs by Szelethus in
* chore(store): Give a name to the timeout watchdog thread by whisperity in
* Bump babel/traverse from 7.16.8 to 7.23.2 in /web/server/vue-cli by dependabot in
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.35 to 3.1.37 in /web/requirements_py/dev by dependabot in
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.35 to 3.1.37 in /web by dependabot in
* [version] Bump up to version 6.23.0
* [logger] + add missing header fcntl.h
* **[GUI] Change the selected bubble's brightness**
* [test] Add several more cmdline tests for tag diffs
* [bugfix] Make None assignments to be initializations, not overwrites
* [GUI] Jump directly to documentation url without error modal
* **[GUI] Unnecessary reports columns**
* [gui] Retain filter configuration between reports and statistics views
* [fix] Fix commentCount related error in gui
* Making an analyze and parse testcase checker set independent
* Fix typo in log

**Full Changelog**:


The following changes and fixes were made since v6.23.0-rc1

GCC Static Analyzer Related Changes:

Fixed the SARIF file location according to the GCC documentation.
Changed GCC's output format to sarif-stderr.
Temporarily ignored compiler warnings in GCC.

:bug: Analyzer Improvements:

Replaced the multiprocessing library with multiprocess. This resolved issues in multiprocess library usage on different platforms but mostly on OSX. Added in

Fixing a crash when CC_ANALYZERS_FROM_PATH env variable is set in

Corrected a bug about the --enable-all flag not disabling specific warnings in 4080 by bruntib
Fixed non-determinism in the appearance of clang-tidy checkers.
Prevented duplicate addition of extra arguments in cppcheck.
Resolved an issue with the AnalyzerContext lazy initialization.

:computer: Server/GUI Updates:

An error was fixed when loading the report in the report view that caused the review status dropdown menu's value to fail to update when switching to a report with a different status. Fixed in in by cservakt

CI Configuration

The issue with building ReadTheDocs has been rectified. You can view the latest docs here:
In addition, we have implemented modifications to the PyPI action in order for a more reliable package publishing by vodorok

:hammer: Other:

* [docs] Leave a better TODO for gcc docs by Szelethus in
* chore(store): Give a name to the timeout watchdog thread by whisperity in
* Bump babel/traverse from 7.16.8 to 7.23.2 in /web/server/vue-cli by dependabot in
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.35 to 3.1.37 in /web/requirements_py/dev by dependabot in
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.35 to 3.1.37 in /web by dependabot in

**Full Changelog**:


:star2: Highlights

GCC Static Analyzer support

We are happy to announce that CodeChecker added native support for the [GCC Static Analyzer](! This analyzer checks code in the C family of languages, but its latest release at the time of writing is still best used only on C code. Despite it being a bit immature for C++, we did some internal surveys where the GCC Static Analyzer seemed to be promising.

We expect this analyzer to be slower than clang-tidy, but faster than the Clang Static Analyzer. You can enable it by adding `--analyzers gcc` to your `CodeChecker check` or `CodeChecker analyze` commands. For further configuration, check out the [GCC Static Analyzer configuration page](

GNU GCC 13.0.0. (the minimum version we support) can be tricky to obtain and to make CodeChecker use it, as CodeChecker looks for the `g++` binary, not `g++-13`. As a workaround, you can set the environmental variable `CC_ANALYZER_BIN` which will make CodeChecker use the given analyzer path (e.g. `CC_ANALYZER_BIN="gcc:/usr/bin/g++-13"`). You can use `CodeChecker analyzers` to check whether you have the correct binary configured.

You can enable gcc checkers by explicitly mentioning them at the analyze command e.g.

CodeChecker analyze -e gcc

gcc checkers are only added to the exterme profile. After evaluation, some checkers may be added to other profiles too.

Under the same breath, we added partial support for the [SARIF]( file format (as opposed to using plists) to `report-converter`, with greater support planned for future releases.

Review status config file

In previous CodeChecker versions, you could set the review status of a report using two methods: using [in-source comments](, or setting a [review status rule]( in the GUI. The former sets the specific report's review status, the latter sets all matching reports' review status.

This release introduces a third way, a review status config file! One of the motivations behind this is that we wanted to have a way to set review statuses on reports in specific directories (which was not possible on the GUI). CodeChecker uses a YAML config file that can be set during analysis:

- filepath_filter: /path/to/project/test/*
checker_filter: core.DivideZero
message: Division by zero in test files is automatically intentional.
review_status: intentional
- filepath_filter: /path/to/project/important/module/*
message: All reports in this module should be investigated.
review_status: confirmed
- filepath_filter: "*/project/test/*"
message: If a filter starts with asterix, then it should be quoted due to YAML format.
review_status: suppress
- report_hash_filter: b85851b34789e35c6acfa1a4aaf65382
message: This report is false positive.
review_status: false_positive

This is how you can use this config file for an analysis:
CodeChecker analyze compile_commands.json --review-status-config review_status.yaml -o reports

The config file allows for a great variety of ways to match a report and set its review status. For further details see [this documentation](

Enable/disable status of checkers

In previous CodeChecker versions, when you ran an analysis, we assigned three states to every checker: it's either **enabled**, **disabled**, or **neither** (unknown). We kept the third state around to give some leeway for the analyzers to decide which checkers to enable or disable, usually to manage their checker dependencies. We now see that this behavior can be (and usually is) confusing, party because it's hard to tell which checkers were actually enabled.
In this release the *unknown* status has been eliminated, and we deal with dependencies using other means. Moving on, CodeChecker will enable only those checkers that are either present in the *default* profile (see `CodeChecker checkers --profile default`) or enabled using the `--enable` argument.

Major fixes to run/tag comparisons (diff)

Following a thorough survey, we identified numerous areas to improve on our run/tag comparisons. We landed several patches to improve the results of diffs both on the CLI and the web GUI (which should be almost always identical). Despite that this feature has the appearance of a simple set operation, diff is a powerful tool that can express a lot of properties on the state of your codebase, and has a few intricacies. For this reason, we also greatly improved [our docs]( around it.

Web GUI improvements

We landed several patches to improve the readability and usability of the GUI, with more improvements to come in later releases! The currently selected event's visual highlight pops a little more now in the report view, and we no longer show unused columns in the run view.

In this image, you can see how much the selected event "pops" after this release, and also, how other events' opacity was a lowered a bit, which allows arrows to be seen through them.

Report limit for storing to the server

Especially in the case of clang-tidy, we have observed some unreasonable number of reports by certain checkers. In some instances, we saw hundreds of thousands (!) of reports reported by some individual checkers, and its more than unlikely that anyone will inspect these reports individually (you probably got the message about using parantheses around macros after the first 15 000 reports).

We found that these checkers were usually enabled by mistake, and put unnecessary strain both on the storage of results to the server, and on the database once stored. Moving forward, CodeChecker servers will reject stores of runs that have more than 500 000 reports. This limit is a default value that you can change or even set to unlimited. Our intent is not to discourage legitemately huge stores, only those that are whose size is likely this large by mistake.

When creating a new product called `My product` at [endpoint]( `myproduct`, you can set the report limit from the CLI with the following invocation:
CodeChecker cmd products add -n "My product" --report-limit 1000000 myproduct

For an already existing product, you can change the limit by clicking the pencil at the products page:

:exclamation: Backward incompatible changes

Clang warnings must be referred to as `clang-diagnostic-<warning-name>` (instead of `W<warning-name>`)

After analysis, reports from clang compiler warnings (well before this release) were attributed to `clang-diagnostic-<warning-name>` instead of `-W<warning-name>` that is usually given to the compiler to enable `<warning-name>`. We did this so that warnings from different compilers could be differentiated. However, you could only enable `<warning-name>` as a checker by referencing it as `W<warning-name>`. In this release, we fixed this inconsistency.

Moving forward, you can enable a clang warning with the following syntax:

CodeChecker analyzer -e clang-diagnostic-deprecated-copy

instead of

CodeChecker analyze -e Wdeprecated-copy

which is no longer supported. You can list all clang-diagnostics with the `CodeChecker checkers` command.

`--all` and `--details` were deprecated for `CodeChecker analyzers`

With the introduction of the GCC Static Analyzer, we think that the `--all` flag was more confusing than useful -- its a reasonable assumption that any system will have a version of GCC available. The default behaviour prior to this release was to only list analyzers that were _available_ for analysis: the binary was found, met the version criteria, and was functional. The `--all` flag listed all _supported_ analyzers, even if they were not _available_. We changed the default behaviour to always list all _supported_ checkers, and `--all` is ignored. We emit helpful warnings for analyzers that CodeChecker supports, but can't analyze with.

`--details` could be used to print additional version information of the binary, but we didn't feel like it provided any value above what the non-detailed query gave, and it was impossible to pretty print. After this release, this flag will also be ignored.

:bug: Analyzer improvements
* [fix] Recognize -pthread for gcc compile commands
* [bugfix] Allow the disabling of statisticsbased checkers
* [bugfix] Include platform to `` path
* [analyzer] Ignore another unknown gcc options
* [report-converter] Support sarif format and Gcc analyzer
* **Gcc analyzer native support**
* [clang-tidy] Fix Clang tidy checker option output
* [analyzer] Add support the CC_ANALYZER_BIN env var

:computer: CLI/Server improvements
* Eliminate "unknown" checker state
* **[bugfix] Don't trigger analyzer without enabled checkers**
* [fix] Refine when a report is regarded as outstanding for tags
* [cmd] Fix FP annotations in the case of local-remote diffs
* [diff] Fix a CLI remote-remote bug where we checked the detection status
* [cmd][diff] Ignore detection status for tags
* [gui] Update run filter when setting the filter options
* replace os.uname() with platform.uname() for Windows support
* [feat] Introduce review status config file
* [fix][clang-tidy] Fix env var replace for extra args
* [enhancement] --cppcheckargs flag was missing
* feat(store): Explicitly time the client out if the connection hung
* **[server] Rate limit based on report count**
* [analyzers] Deprecate --all and --details for analyzers
* Parse file speed up

:deciduous_tree: Environment
* [req] Upgrade PyYAML to 6.0.1
* [test] Fix package test
* [check actions] setting GITHUB_TOKEN permissions to read
* Create
* [db] Eliminating duplicate key constraint violations
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.30 to 3.1.32 in /web
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.30 to 3.1.32 in /web/requirements_py/dev
* Bump cryptography from 3.3.2 to 41.0.3 in /web/requirements_py/dev
* Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump webpack from 5.66.0 to 5.76.0 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump loader-utils from 1.2.3 to 1.4.2 in /web/server/vue-cli
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.32 to 3.1.34 in /web/requirements_py/dev
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.32 to 3.1.34 in /web
* Bump cryptography from 41.0.3 to 41.0.4 in /web/requirements_py/dev
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.34 to 3.1.35 in /web
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.34 to 3.1.35 in /web/requirements_py/dev

:book: Documentation updates
* Add more checks from clang-tidy
* [config] Add some checkers to "default" profile
* Document new clang-tidy checkers
* chore(config): Add labels for new checks of Clang SA & Tidy
* fix typo: 'hte' to 'the'

:hammer: Other
* [version] Bump up to version 6.23.0
* [logger] + add missing header fcntl.h
* **[GUI] Change the selected bubble's brightness**
* [test] Add several more cmdline tests for tag diffs
* [bugfix] Make None assignments to be initializations, not overwrites
* [GUI] Jump directly to documentation url without error modal
* **[GUI] Unnecessary reports columns**
* [gui] Retain filter configuration between reports and statistics views
* [fix] Fix commentCount related error in gui
* Making an analyze and parse testcase checker set independent
* Fix typo in log

**Full Changelog**:


:star2: Highlights

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