Bug fixes
- Web GUI filters for *Checker name* now shows the full list of checkers, not just the first 10. (1156)
- `--enable-all` given to `check` was not passed through to `analyze`. (1163)
- Fixed a bug at compiler target detection (1180)
- Fixed a connection handling issue to LDAP authentication backends. (1139)
- Fix CodeChecker making Clang-SA/Tidy use system GCC headers instead of the Clang's ones. (1144, 1173)
- URLs in the command-line specifying `http://` or `https://` should use port `80` and `443` respectively, if an explicit port is not given. (#1146, 1150, 1175)
- CodeChecker server will now refuse to start if the `session_config.json` file is malformed. (1151)
- Comparing a local result folder to a run stored on the server has received a massive performance improvement. (1169)
- Added scripts to aid the debugging of failed analyses. (1113)
- Upgraded SQLAlchemy to a newer version. (1142)