
Latest version: v6.24.4

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Bug Fixes

* Open file with universal line endings 1631, 1625
* Fix tidy fixit parsing 1620
* Fix get report data while generating HTML reports 1610
* Fix AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'skip_file' 1607
* Filter values are removed when switching tabs 1603
* Filter run history based on the selected run filter 1602
* Fix source component filter and add more tests 1600
* Fix removing source component 1597
* Fix source component filter query in pgsql 1595
* Fix getProducts API function to do exact match 1594
* Fix userguide 1590
* Locale compare and Diff view shows different results 1432
* Review status hover on last element on table flows outside viewport 1385
* Fix run history tab value in the URL on show event 1634


* Handle yet another unknown GCC flag (-mfloat-gprs=double) 1618
* Increase performance of the UI 1613
* Handle gcc-toolchain flag 1605
* Support source component filter in the command line 1596
* Update web userguide 1593
* Show detection status dates in tool tip 1592
* Create a new tab on the UI for change logs 1591
* Prevent review status tool tip from closing if unhovered by click 1507
* Redirect user to the desired page once the login process is completed 1504
* Show the number of products in the tab 1394
* Clicking on username in GUI header should show product permissions if product is open 1390


* Taking out checks from the sensitive profile 1629
* cppcoreguidelines-no-malloc
* cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory
* cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast
* google-build-using-namespace
* Severity level of google-build-using-namespace was changed to style 1629
* Severity level of misc-redundant-expression was changed to medium 1627
* Remove the build output from the build action hash. 1601
* Fine tune log levels and db status logging 1633


* Change file format from dos to unix 1626
* Tidy test updates (v6 outputs and Makefile) 1623
* Enable verbose log in analyze tests 1622


Report counting

Report counting was reviewed to give a consistent view in the
command line and at the web UI. The default views (without uniqueing)
shows the reports as they were found by the analyzers.

* Consistent report/bug counting 1443 1449 1541

Support Clang v6

* Some of the Clang6 checker severity levels were not classified 1568 1557
* Upgrade the checker profiles for Clang6 1538

CTU on-the-fly

CTU can still work by dumping the AST to the disk. The on-the-fly option
managed the ASTs in memory.

* Removing on-the-fly CTU functionality as it is not supported by Clang6 1552

Checker renaming in Clang-tidy v6

* Support for Clang-tidy 6 renamed checkers 1548

misc-assert-side-effect -> bugprone-assert-side-effect
misc-argument-comment -> bugprone-argument-comment
misc-bool-pointer-implicit-conversion -> bugprone-bool-pointer-implicit-conversion
misc-dangling-handle -> bugprone-dangling-handle
misc-fold-init-type -> bugprone-fold-init-type
misc-forward-declaration-namespace -> bugprone-forward-declaration-namespace
misc-inaccurate-erase -> bugprone-inaccurate-erase
misc-move-forwarding-reference -> bugprone-move-forwarding-reference
misc-multiple-statement-macro -> bugprone-multiple-statement-macro
misc-string-constructor -> bugprone-string-constructor
misc-use-after-move -> bugprone-use-after-move
misc-implicit-cast-in-loop -> performance-implicit-conversion-in-loop
misc-inefficient-algorithm -> performance-inefficient-algorithm
misc-move-const-arg -> performance-move-const-arg
misc-move-constructor-init -> performance-move-constructor-init
misc-noexcept-move-constructor -> performance-noexcept-move-constructor
readability-implicit-bool-cast -> readability-implicit-bool-conversion

New features/improvements

* Component filters 846
* It should be possible to diff two different tagged versions of the same run 1346
* Generate index.html file by using PlistToHTML 1558
* Review status C style comment format 1551
* Skip duplicate reports when generating HTML output 1556
* Enable passwordless token based authentication 1462
* Getting the run results by providing the version tag 1496
* Create separate filter options for cmd line 1497
* Give better message when source files are missing 1537
* Allow more product endpoint names to be valid 1530
* LDAP hardening and tests 1305
* List out version tag in command line 1485
* List out latest version tag at runs command 1486
* Show full file path in `CodeChecker parse` ouptut 1559
* Handle more gcc/g++ arguments 1550
* Command line header deduplication 1512
* Improved relative path handling in the compile json 1553
* Extend build command escaping in the logger 1506
* Add `-analyzer-config notes-as-events=true` to the clang flags which will convert notes to events 1518
* Skip compiler dependency generation actions from analysis 1488
* bugprone-misplaced-operator-in-strlen-in-alloc checker added to severity map 1560
* Adding static HTML output generation to the HOWTO. 1588


* Checks if no username supplied at login 1571
* Show admins for each product 1474
* Show bug path length for a report in bug report selection (left-hand, dropdown) 1505
* Add check command to run history 1454
* Extend html report information with checker name and severity 1546
* Create tooltips for report table columns 1582
* Detection status viewing and filtering together with uniqueing 1337
* Show tooltip by hovering on unique checkbox label 1576
* New column id in index.html at plistToHtml parser 1579
* Unified report filter 1444 1510
* Highlight occurences of the selected text 1516
* Clickable 'Entered call from' 508
* Bug tooltip "Review status" should say what the icon means 1549
* New detection date filter values 1437
* New report count and uniqueing style on the UI 1586


* Using NullPool for database connections 1584
* Disable detection status if uniqueing is enabled 1513
* Fix documentation 1583
* Refactor list of products page 1489
* Change analysis statistics total message 1499

Bug fixes

* Skip reports at store 1566 1575
* Click on run history jumps to wrong tab 1392
* Use file path from main section at plist-to-html 1573
* Initialize run filters with the correct values 1577 1580
* Set default filter values on run history click 1574
* Fix filtering based on detection dates 1569 1567
* Fix UI filter tooltip toggling items 1561
* Command line diff does not do deduplication 1465
* Allow html output only for diff and results at cmd 1515
* Inline //codechecker_suppress comment is ineffective in static html output 1423
* Apply ignore first, and ignore -flto flag. 1524
* Fix non existing filter member 1540
* Diff mode run history 1481
* Change server startup timing for the tests 1535
* "unsupported operand type(s)" when using a skipfile 1529
* Ranges associated with issues are not highlighted 1514
* Fix UI file path filter for run results 1521
* In-line suppression is not considered by the parse command 1484
* Do not highlight last bug path message if not absolutely last 1395
* Do not use globals at bug filter view 1494
* Fix review status comment typo handling 1547


* Bump up version to 6.7.0 1498
* Update readme with animation gif demo 1544
* Split up analyze and parse tests 1406


New features/Improvements

* Support for Statistical Checkers (Experimental feature) 805
* Multiple source code suppression comment format 1429
* Handle more compiler flags unknown to clang 1431
* Load run history asynchronously on the WebGUI 1472
* Improve performance of bug path draw 1435
* Extend product listing page with new fields 1364
* Trim leading path from stored file paths 1411
* Introduce a per product configurable run limit 1410
* Improve user session handling at the server 1458
* Improve api mismatch errors 1456
* Product admins are able to nominate other users as product admins 1373
* Rename file filter on the WebGUI 1438
* Refactoring report filter UI 1401
* Move thrift client call wrapper to a separate module 1448
* User permission save error log improvement 1397
* Adding report counting description the howto 1476
* Exclude build actions which would compile a header file 1480
* Fine tune statistics collectors ratio interval 1479
* Skip linking action from compilation_database 1436


* Remove BufferOverlap checker from the sensitive profile 1477

Bug fixes

* CodeChecker check -o <reports-dir> -c (clean switch) was ineffective 1421
* Filter cmd line checker statistics 1416
* Use consistent run name filter at cmd line 1417
* Fix server product list mismatch in multi server 1471
* Check command popup stick to right on the WebGUI 1393
* If the run filter is cleaned it did not list the reports from all of the runs 1409
* Checker name filter is not selected by clicking on a checker name in the statistics view 1347
* In diff mode bug viewer cannot be opened 1466
* Reset diff type filter items on change 1473
* Build action map is created twice for pre analysis phase 1420
* Fix thrift call wrapper host, port 1467
* Fix errors found by pylint 1447
* Fix diff type filter label 1439
* Fix dependency gen problem in xerces 1419
* Handle thrift error with fail callback on the WebGUI 1407
* Server startup can be slow due to long dangling file garbage collection 1261
* Support old suppress comment format files 1478



* Apply bug event and point to report id index 1377
* Improve run deletion (session/synchronize) 1374
* Set sqlalchemy pool size 1391
* Sanity check for result storage and file content change 1320
* At least one report directory should be mandatory for parse command 1343
* Improve storage (severity handling) 1375
* Order reports in the file view left hand pane by line 1358
* Review status reason dialog should accept ENTER as submit if nothing is entered into textarea 1354
* Update to Codemirror v5.25.0 1355
* Update to Jsplumb v2.2.0 1380
* Remove Google fonts 1381
* Print the log level name by default 1370

Bug fixes

* Clicking on a report in unique mode in bug overview not the selected report is shown 1365
* Fix browser compatibility 1356
* Suppress file import fails 1388
* Pressing ESC in the review status reason window bolds the wrong status 1357
* Regex printed weird into file filter selector but works right 1352
* fix import in profiler and change output format 1376


New features/Improvements

Web UI

* Add regex based file filter in "all reports" tab and enable "select all files matching regex" 1162
* Enable multiple selections of run name regex filters in all reports 1165
* Remove review comment column from the bug list 1302

Command line

* Extend command line filters with detection and review status 1312
* Validate filter values in the command line 1345
* Add total section for command line summary 1328
* Support regex expressions for the run names in the command line 1322


* Reanalyze without ctu on ctu failure (new command line argument --ctu-reanalyze-on-failure) 1297
* Handle more Clang 5.0 unknown argument errors 1294
* Use arch of the analyzer machine instead of the original one. 1308
* Add a watcher to kill stuck jobs if analysis takes too much time (new argument --timeout) 1168


* Share user sessions through the database 1172
* Prevent concurrent storage of the same run name from multiple shared servers 1138
* Introduce storage limitations (run count) 1187
* Do not limit run count for the server by default 1315


* User guide for using CodeChecker with BitBake 1329
* Improvements to false positive guide. 1292
* Fix the daily analysis integration template script always saying there are new bugs 1299


* Improved logging 1048
* Refactor plist to plaintext formatting (parse) 1334
* Explicitly show version information in the build script output 1300
* Add better diagnostics for ctu tests in case of failure 1298
* Remove critical log from massStoreRun 1339
* Remove soft session lifetime completely 1344

* Fix clicking on a uniqued bug 1330
* Fix product editing 1310
* Fix python-ldap not throwing exception on anonymous binds when it should 1296
* Fix log format 1341
* Remove the default log level 1338
* Handle non existing session config file 1318
* Fix logger initialization 1316
* Fix typo of argument name resulting in name error 1317
* Fix setup logger for command line 1314
* Fix ctu_failure test not removing its test folder 1303
* Disable plist update on plist parsing unit tests 1293
* Remove run history by removing a run 1332
* In diff view the bug path tree is not shown when viewing a report 1275
* The current working directory may not exist. (debug tools) 1309


New features
* Show bug path length column in Bug overview GUI 1209



* Bug steps disappears when switching arrows on/off 1243
* Highlight the actual bug step 1244
* Fix shown reports in run history view 1264
* Remove outdated bug paths from run results if the bug remains in run 1155
* Fix run history tag count query 1283

* `-idirafter` gcc argument is not forwarded to clang analyzer 1267
* Fix analysis performance degradation on 2.6.32 and older kernels. Use manager to share data between processes 1276
* -Werror flag is removed from clang sa/clang tidy invocation 1279
* `alpha.cpluscplus.IteratorRange` was remove from all checker profiles as the checker is unstable 1255

Command line client
* `cmd diff -o html` does not work if -n is a report directory 1277
* Use the proper environment for db operations otherwise db upgrade may fail 1251
* Fix get diff hashes for new bugs 1259
* Fix of diff command failure in case of sqlite database and large queries 1281

* Add session related comments to massStoreRun 1263

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