
Latest version: v1.4.6

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Added features and functionality
+ Added: New functionality for handling service class modules within FalconDebug.

Issues resolved
+ Bug fix: Resolved JSONDecode error on RTR_DeleteSession. Closes 238.
+ Bug fix: Resolved issue with credential authentication in service classes not respecting custom API configuration attributes. Closes 242.

+ Package metadata updates
+ Updated IDP unit tests to more accurately cover functionality
+ Flaky unit test adjustments
+ FalconDebug added to linting workflows ``



Added features and functionality
+ Refactored Custom IOA Service Class to the new pattern to provide for new parameter handling functionality, closes 217. ``
+ Refactored Device Control Policies Service Class to the new pattern to provide for new parameter handling functionality, closes 224. ``
+ Refactored Firewall Policies Service Class to the new pattern to provide for new parameter handling functionality, closes 227. ``
+ Refactored Firewall Management Service Class to match the most recent pattern, closes 232. ``
+ Refactored Falcon X Sandbox Service Class to the new pattern to provide for new parameter handling functionality, closes 226. ``
+ Refactored Hosts Service Class to the new pattern to provide for new parameter handling functionality, closes 218. ``
+ Refactored Host Group Service Class to the new pattern to provide for new parameter handling functionality, closes 223. ``
+ Refactored Intel Service Class to match the most recent pattern, closes 231. ``
+ Refactored OAuth2 class to reflect new functionality and linting patterns, closes 233. ``
+ Refactored Quick Scan Service Class to match the most recent pattern, closes 219. ``
+ Refactored Real Time Response Service Class to match the most recent pattern, closes 230. ``
+ Refactored Real Time Response Admin Service Class to match the most recent pattern, closes 229. ``
+ Refactored Sensor Updated Policy Service Class to the new pattern to provide for new parameter handling functionality, closes 222. ``
+ Refactored Sensor Downloads Service Class to the new pattern to provide for new parameter handling functionality, closes 221. ``
+ Refactored Sample Uploads Service Class to the new pattern to provide for new parameter handling functionality, closes 220. ``
+ Refactored User Management Service Class to match the most recent pattern, closes 228. ``

Issues resolved
+ Bug fix: Resolved issue with the timeout parameter not being passed to the OAuth2 class when legacy authentication was being used. Closes 225.

+ Enabled Pylint stopping the build on linting failures within package source.
+ Unit test updates to expand code coverage for new code paths.
+ This update provides part of the functionality requested in 115.



Added features and functionality
+ Added `` - Identity Protection service class.
+ Added utility to create a zip archive to be used with AWS Lambda layers. (``)

Issues resolved
+ Bug fix: Resolved order of operations issue with body validation in __validate_payload__ helper function. (``)
+ Updated `` - Cloud_Connect_AWS Service Class. Closes 209.
+ Updated `` - Detects Service Class. Closes 210.
+ Updated `` - Event Streams Service Class. Closes 212.
+ Updated `` - Incidents Service Class. Closes 213.
+ Updated `` - Spotlight Vulnerabilities Service Class. Closes 214.
+ Updated `` - Zero Trust Assessment Service Class. Closes 211.
+ Updated query used for unit testing of Spotlight Vulnerabilities service class. 2020 -> 2021 (``)
+ Bug fix: Resolved flaky unit test for RegenerateAPIKey for Kubernetes Protection service class. (``).

+ Added pylint workflow to push / pull_request actions.
+ _endpoint module updates to support new service class.
+ Added unit testing for new service class.
+ Unit testing updates to complete code coverage.
+ updated.
+ Added additional classifiers and developer requirements to PIP package metadata. (``)



Issues resolved
+ Bug fix: Resolves 200 by moving the failing method (entities_processes) in `` to the latest code pattern.



Issues resolved
+ Fixed: Incorrect endpoint specified in the updateSensorUpdatePoliciesV2 method within the Sensor Update Policy service class.



Issues resolved
+ Fixed: by adding the parameters to the create and update ioc functions.


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