Added features and functionality
> New Service Class pattern - Query String parameters can now be passed as function arguments.
> This functionality is currently only available in the following new Service Classes while
> regression testing is underway.
+ Added: D4C Registration API Service Class (``)
* GetCSPMAzureAccount
* CreateCSPMAzureAccount
* UpdateCSPMAzureAccountClientID
* GetCSPMAzureUserScriptsAttachment
* GetCSPMAzureUserScripts
* GetCSPMCGPAccount
* GetCSPMGCPAccount (redirects to GetCSPMCGPAccount)
* CreateCSPMGCPAccount
* GetCSPMGCPUserScriptsAttachment
* GetCSPMGCPUserScripts
- Added unit tests (``)
+ Added: Installation Tokens API Service Class (``)
* audit_events_read
* customer_settings_read
* tokens_read
* tokens_create
* tokens_delete
* tokens_update
* audit_events_query
* tokens_query
- Added unit tests (``)
+ Added: IOA Exclusions API Service Class (``)
* getIOAExclusionsV1
* createIOAExclusionsV1
* deleteIOAExclusionsV1
* updateIOAExclusionsV1
* queryIOAExclusionsV1
- Added unit tests (``)
+ Added: Falcon Complete Dashboard API Service Class (``)
* AggregateAllowList
* AggregateBlockList
* AggregateDetections
* AggregateDeviceCountCollection
* AggregateEscalations
* AggregateFCIncidents
* AggregateRemediations
* QueryAllowListFilter
* QueryBlockListFilter
* QueryDetectionIdsByFilter
* GetDeviceCountCollectionQueriesByFilter
* QueryEscalationsFilter
* QueryIncidentIdsByFilter
* QueryRemediationsFilter
- Added unit tests (``)
+ Added: MalQuery API Service Class (``)
+ GetMalQueryQuotasV1
+ PostMalQueryFuzzySearchV1
+ GetMalQueryDownloadV1
+ GetMalQueryMetadataV1
+ GetMalQueryRequestV1
+ GetMalQueryEntitiesSamplesFetchV1
+ PostMalQueryEntitiesSamplesMultidownloadV1
+ PostMalQueryExactSearchV1
+ PostMalQueryHuntV1
* Added unit tests (``)
+ Added: ML Exclusions API Service Class (``)
* getMLExclusionsV1
* createMLExclusionsV1
* deleteMLExclusionsV1
* updateMLExclusionsV1
* queryMLExclusionsV1
- Added unit tests (``)
+ Added: Overwatch Dashboard API Service Class (``)
* AggregatesDetectionsGlobalCounts
* AggregatesEventsCollections
* AggregatesEvents
* AggregatesIncidentsGlobalCounts
* AggregatesOWEventsGlobalCounts
- Added unit tests (``)
+ Added: Sensor Visibility Exclusions API Service Class (``)
* getSensorVisibilityExclusionsV1
* createSVExclusionsV1
* deleteSensorVisibilityExclusionsV1
* updateSensorVisibilityExclusionsV1
* querySensorVisibilityExclusionsV1
- Added unit tests (``)
+ Added: args_to_params function (``) - Allows developers to specify parameter dictionary elements as function arguments
import json
from falconpy.ml_exclusions import ML_Exclusions as FalconML
falcon = FalconML(creds={"client_id": client_ID, "client_secret": client_secret})
print(json.dumps(falcon.queryMLExclusionsV1(limit=10, offset=20, sort="value.asc"), indent=4))
- Unrecognized parameter values are discarded
- Initial testing in a limited number of Service Classes
Version 0.4.6-spotlight-remediations-patch-1
Added features and functionality
+ Added: Missing method to Spotlight_Vulnerabilities Service Class (``)
* getRemediations
- Added unit test to existing test series (``)