Added features and functionality
+ Added: 1 new operation added (`highVolumeQueryChanges`) from the _FileVantage_ service collection.
- `_endpoint/`
- ``
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
+ Added: Warn when providing API arguments that are unnecessarily URLEncoded. Closes 850.
- `_error/`
- `_error/`
- `_util/`
- `_util/`
- ``
- Thanks go out to aboese for suggesting this enhancement. 🙇
+ Added: `add_comment` keyword added to the _PerformIncidentAction_ operation within the _**Incidents**_ Service Class. Closes 1003.
- `_payload/`
- ``
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
- Thanks go out to morcef for suggesting this enhancement. 🙇
+ Added: `add-rule-group` and `remove-rule-group` options added to _performFirewallPoliciesAction_ operation in the __Firewall Policies__ service collection.
- `_endpoint/`
- ``
+ Added: Sort by `alert_ids` option added to _QueryBehaviors_ operation in the __Incidents_ service collection.
- `_endpoint/`
+ Added: _AggregateAlerts_ and _QueryAlertIdsByFilter_ operations added to the __Falcon Complete Dashboard__ service collection.
- `_endpoint/`
- ``
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
+ Added: _GetCombinedImages_ operation added to the __Falcon Container__ service collection.
- `_endpoint/`
- ``
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- ``
+ Added: `ids` keyword argument added to _GetIntelReportPDF_ and _QueryMitreAttacks_ operations. `if_none_match` and `if_modified_since` keyword arguments added to _GetLatestIntelRuleFile_ operation. __Intel__ service collection.
- `_endpoint/`
- ``
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- ``
+ Added: Override functionality - All service classes are now able to call manually specified operation endpoints via the `override` method. This method mirrors functionality provided by the `override` keyword within the Uber Class.
- ``
+ Added: 23 new operations added to the __FileVantage__ service collection.
* updatePolicyHostGroups
* updatePolicyPrecedence
* updatePolicyRuleGroups
* getPolicies
* createPolicies
* deletePolicies
* updatePolicies
* getScheduledExclusions
* createScheduledExclusions
* deleteScheduledExclusions
* updateScheduledExclusions
* updateRuleGroupPrecedence
* getRules
* createRules
* deleteRules
* updateRules
* getRuleGroups
* createRuleGroups
* deleteRuleGroups
* updateRuleGroups
* highVolumeQueryChanges
* queryRuleGroups
* queryScheduledExclusions
* queryPolicies
- `_endpoint/`
- ``
> 4 new payload handlers were implemented.
- `_payload/`
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
+ Added: A new service collection, __Cloud Snapshots__ was implemented with three new operations (_GetCredentialsMixin0_, _CreateInventory_, and _RegisterCspmSnapshotAccount_).
- `_endpoint/`
- `_endpoint/`
- ``
- ``
> Two new payload handlers were implemented.
- `_payload/`
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
+ Added: 3 new operations added to the __Identity Protection__ service collection (_GetSensorAggregates_, _GetSensorDetails_, and _QuerySensorsByFilter_).
- `_endpoint/`
- ``
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
Issues resolved
+ Fixed: API errors generated by the Uber Class do not stop execution when in pythonic mode.
- ``
+ Fixed: Result object failure on JSON formatted list response from _report_executions_download_get_ operation within the __Report Executions__ service collection. Closes 1033.
- `_result/`
+ Deprecated: _deleteCIDGroupMembersV1_ is now deprecated. Calls to _deleteCIDGroupMembers_ are now redirected to _deleteCIDGroupMembersV2_. __MSSP__ service collection.
- `_endpoint/`
- ``
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
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