
Latest version: v1.4.7

Safety actively analyzes 715081 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Added features and functionality
+ Added: Nine new operations added to the __FirewallManagement__ Service Class. (`get_network_location_details`, `update_network_locations_metadata`, `update_network_locations_precedence`, `get_network_locations`, `create_network_locations`, `update_network_locations`, `upsert_network_locations`, `delete_network_locations`, `query_network_locations`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> Adds two new payload handlers.
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`

+ Added: Five new operations added to the Flight Control (__MSSP__) Service Class. (`getChildrenV2`, `getCIDGroupMembersByV2`, `getCIDGroupByIdV2`, `getUserGroupMembersByIDV2`, `getUserGroupsByIDV2`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`

+ Added: One new operation added to the __Hosts__ Service Class. (`entities_perform_action`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> One new payload handler was added.
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`

+ Added: One new operation added to the __InstallationTokens__ Service Class. (`customer_settings_update`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> One new payload handler was added.
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`

+ Added: Two new operations added to the __Intel__ Service Class. (`GetVulnerabilities`, `QueryVulnerabilities`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`

+ Added: New __ODS__ Service Class (On Demand Scan) with fifteen new operations. (`aggregate_scans`, `aggregate_scheduled_scans`, `get_malicious_files_by_id`, `cancel_scans`, `get_scan_host_metadata_by_ids`, `scans_report`, `get_scans_by_scan_ids`, `scans_report`, `get_scheduled_scans_by_scan_ids`, `schedule_scan`, `delete_scheduled_scans`, `query_malicious_files`, `query_scan_host_metadata`, `query_scans`, `query_scheduled_scans`)
- ``
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
- `_endpoint/`
- `_endpoint/deprecated/`
- `_endpoint/deprecated/`
> Two new payload handlers were added.
- `_payload/`
> New unit testing implemented to confirm functionality and complete code coverage.
- `tests/`

+ Added: Seven new operations added to the __Recon__ Service Class. (`AggregateNotificationsExposedDataRecordsV1`, `GetFileContentForExportJobsV1`, `GetExportJobsV1`, `CreateExportJobsV1`, `DeleteExportJobsV1`, `GetNotificationsExposedDataRecordsV1`, `QueryNotificationsExposedDataRecordsV1`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> One new payload handler was added.
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`

+ Added: Seven new operations added to the __SampleUploads__ Service Class. (`ArchiveListV1`, `ArchiveGetV1`, `ArchiveDeleteV1`, `ArchiveUploadV2`, `ExtractionListV1`, `ExtractionGetV1`, `ExtractionCreateV1`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> One new payload handler was added.
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
- `tests/`

+ Changed: Due to updates in the latest Ubuntu version used in GitHub actions, unit testing for Python 3.6 has been split off to a stand alone workflow.
+ Added: Python 3.11 support.
- ``


Issues resolved
+ Fixed: Invalid `body` payload when leveraging the Uber Class to call the `RTR_DeleteSession` operation. Closes 839.
- ``



Added features and functionality
+ Added: New __TailoredIntelligence__ Service Class.
- ``
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
- `_endpoint/`
- `tests/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
+ Added: `GetD4CAwsAccount`, `CreateD4CAwsAccount`, `DeleteD4CAwsAccount`, `GetD4CAwsConsoleSetupURLs`, `GetD4CAWSAccountScriptsAttachment`, and `GetHorizonD4CScripts` operations to the __D4CRegistration__ Service Class.
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
- `_payload/`
- `_payload/`
> Adds one new payload handler.
- `tests/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
+ Added: `update_policy_container_v1`, `create_rule_group_validation`, `update_rule_group_validation`, and `validate_filepath_pattern` operations to the __FirewallManagement__ Service Class.
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> The legacy operation `update_policy_container` now points to the updated endpoint `/fwmgr/entities/policies/v2`.
- `_payload/`
- `_payload/`
> Adds two new payload handlers.
- `tests/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
+ Added: `indicator_aggregate_v1`, `action_get_v1`, `GetIndicatorsReport`, `action_query_v1`, `ioc_type_query_v1`, `platform_query_v1`, and `severity_query_v1` operations to the __IOC__ Service Class.
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
- `_payload/`
- `_payload/`
> Adds one new payload handler.
- `tests/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
+ Added: _from_parent_ parameter to the `indicator_delete_v1` operation within the __IOC__ Service Class.
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
+ Added: _timeout_ and _timeout_duration_ parameters to the `RTR_InitSession` operation within the __RealTimeResponse__ Service Class.
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
+ Added: _host_timeout_duration_ parameter to the `BatchAdminCmd` operation within the __RealTimeResponseAdmin__ Service Class.
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
+ Added: Maximum and minimum limits for the _limit_ parameter used by the `QueryNotificationsV1` operation within the __Recon__ Service Class.
- `_endpoint/`
+ Added: New `ReadImageVulnerabilities` operation to the __FalconContainer__ Service Class.
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
- `_payload/`
- `_payload/`
> Adds one new payload handler.
- `tests/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.

+ Updated: Updated the description, changed datatype from `string` to `int` and added maximum / minimum limits for the _offset_ parameter used by the `QueryActionsV1` operation within the __Recon__ Service Class.
- `_endpoint/`
+ Removed: `X-CS-USERNAME` parameter from all operations within the __IOC__ Service Class.
- `_endpoint/`
+ Updated: _query_rule_groups_full_ and _query_rule_groupsMixin0_ operations - Removed `description` as an available field from enum. Updated operation description.
- `_endpoint/`
+ Updated: Changed _collectionFormat_ value from `csv` to `multi` for multiple operations within the `_endpoint` module.
- `_endpoint/` (_getIOAExclusionsV1_, _deleteIOAExclusionsV1_)
- `_endpoint/` (_getMLExclusionsV1_, _deleteMLExclusionsV1_)
- `_endpoint/` (_getSensorVisibilityExclusionsV1_, _deleteSensorVisibilityExclusionsV1_)
+ Updated: Removed _maxLength_ and _minLength_ values for multiple operations within the `_endpoint` module.
- `_endpoint/` (_getDeviceControlPolicies_, _deleteDeviceControlPolicies_)
- `_endpoint/` (_getFirewallPolicies_, _deleteFirewallPolicies_)
- `_endpoint/` (_getHostGroups_, _deleteHostGroups_)
- `_endpoint/` (_getPreventionPolicies_, _deletePreventionPolicies_)
- `_endpoint/` (_getRTResponsePolicies_, _deleteRTResponsePolicies_)
- `_endpoint/` (_getSensorUpdatePolicies_, _deleteSensorUpdatePolicies_, _getSensorUpdatePoliciesV2_)
+ Updated: GovCloud headers are now returned when providing GovCloud credentials to a commercial cloud region. Deprecated fallback handler within `autodiscover_region` method.
- ``
> This code will be retained for now. As of this version, GovCloud region autodiscovery is __not__ supported.
+ Updated: Pinned `setuptools` version to 65.5.1 ([SNYK-PYTHON-SETUPTOOLS-3113904](
- `requirements-dev.txt`



Added features and functionality
+ Added: Specify `N-1` and `N-2` within the Sensor Download sample. Closes 793.
- `samples/sensor_download/`

Issues resolved
+ Fixed: Invalid `body` payload passed when leveraging the Uber Class to call the `RTR_GetExtractedFileContents` operation. Closes 788.
- ``

+ Fixed: Invalid data type comparison in RTR dump memory sample.
- `samples/rtr/pid-dump/`

+ Fixed: Invalid arguments provided to `execute_admin_command` method within RTR dump memory sample. Closes 789.
- `samples/rtr/pid-dump/`



Added features and functionality
+ Added: Easy Object Authentication syntax. You no longer need to specify the `auth_object` attribute of the Service Class you are using to authenticate to subsequent Service Classes. Legacy Object Authentication is still (and will always be) fully supported.
import os
from falconpy import Hosts
from falconpy import HostGroup

Old Syntax
hosts = Hosts(client_id=os.getenv("FALCON_CLIENT_ID"),
hostgroups = HostGroup(auth_object=hosts.auth_object)

New Syntax
hosts = Hosts(client_id=os.getenv("FALCON_CLIENT_ID"),
hostgroups = HostGroup(auth_object=hosts)

- ``
- `tests/`

+ Changed: Updated development package module name to be `falconpydev` to prevent confusion with the production package module name.
- ``



Added features and functionality
+ Added: Added alias for `post_device_details_v2` to Hosts Service Class. Closes 773.
- ``
- `tests/manual/`

Issues resolved
+ Fixed: Typo in docstring for `perform_incident_action` method. Closes 776.
- ``
+ Fixed: Added `host_timeout_duration` documentation to docstrings within operations in the Real Time Response Service Class.
- ``

+ Updated: Adjusted unit testing to cover new API returns.
- `tests/`
- `tests/`


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