Added features and functionality
+ Added: Nine new operations added to the __FirewallManagement__ Service Class. (`get_network_location_details`, `update_network_locations_metadata`, `update_network_locations_precedence`, `get_network_locations`, `create_network_locations`, `update_network_locations`, `upsert_network_locations`, `delete_network_locations`, `query_network_locations`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> Adds two new payload handlers.
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
+ Added: Five new operations added to the Flight Control (__MSSP__) Service Class. (`getChildrenV2`, `getCIDGroupMembersByV2`, `getCIDGroupByIdV2`, `getUserGroupMembersByIDV2`, `getUserGroupsByIDV2`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
+ Added: One new operation added to the __Hosts__ Service Class. (`entities_perform_action`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> One new payload handler was added.
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
+ Added: One new operation added to the __InstallationTokens__ Service Class. (`customer_settings_update`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> One new payload handler was added.
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
+ Added: Two new operations added to the __Intel__ Service Class. (`GetVulnerabilities`, `QueryVulnerabilities`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
+ Added: New __ODS__ Service Class (On Demand Scan) with fifteen new operations. (`aggregate_scans`, `aggregate_scheduled_scans`, `get_malicious_files_by_id`, `cancel_scans`, `get_scan_host_metadata_by_ids`, `scans_report`, `get_scans_by_scan_ids`, `scans_report`, `get_scheduled_scans_by_scan_ids`, `schedule_scan`, `delete_scheduled_scans`, `query_malicious_files`, `query_scan_host_metadata`, `query_scans`, `query_scheduled_scans`)
- ``
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
- `_endpoint/`
- `_endpoint/deprecated/`
- `_endpoint/deprecated/`
> Two new payload handlers were added.
- `_payload/`
> New unit testing implemented to confirm functionality and complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
+ Added: Seven new operations added to the __Recon__ Service Class. (`AggregateNotificationsExposedDataRecordsV1`, `GetFileContentForExportJobsV1`, `GetExportJobsV1`, `CreateExportJobsV1`, `DeleteExportJobsV1`, `GetNotificationsExposedDataRecordsV1`, `QueryNotificationsExposedDataRecordsV1`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> One new payload handler was added.
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
+ Added: Seven new operations added to the __SampleUploads__ Service Class. (`ArchiveListV1`, `ArchiveGetV1`, `ArchiveDeleteV1`, `ArchiveUploadV2`, `ExtractionListV1`, `ExtractionGetV1`, `ExtractionCreateV1`)
- ``
- `_endpoint/`
> One new payload handler was added.
- `_payload/`
> Unit testing expanded to complete code coverage.
- `tests/`
- `tests/`
+ Changed: Due to updates in the latest Ubuntu version used in GitHub actions, unit testing for Python 3.6 has been split off to a stand alone workflow.
+ Added: Python 3.11 support.
- ``